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Posted by atfab @ 06:27 CDT, 23 June 2019 - iMsg
1. who has the better resume?
2. who has won the most games, when matched together?
7140 Hits
Quake porn (27 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 04:11 CST, 2 February 2017 - iMsg
i think you are all already aware of porn versions of various show like

tarzan X (tarzan and jane)
star whores (star wars)
The Texas Vibrator Massacre (Texas chainsaw massacre)
whore of the rings (lord of the rings)
missionary impossible ( mission impossible)
edward penishands (edward scissor hands)
forest hump (forest gump)
bitanic (titanic)
Whorey Potter and the Sorcerer’s Balls (harry potter)

now what would be a good title for a quake parody?

quake cumpions (quake champions)
quake 2 ur booty (quake 2)
quakewhore (quakeworld)
quake 4some (quake 4)
25626 Hits
Duke Forever v Half Life 3 (betting) (31 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 15:17 CDT, 14 October 2016 - iMsg
suggestion: open an esr betting fixture which speculate whether HL3 is going to "out-hell" or equal duke forever in terms of development time

duke forever development time = 15 years (finished)
hl3 development time = 10 years (still in development)

how the betting works:
-the fixture will close only if
1)HL3 gets released less than 5 years
2.)HL3 gets released w/in 5 years
2)HL3 is still in development after 5 years

announcement date was 22nd May 2006
so the end date is 22nd May 2021

-possible to have the largest prize in esr betting history

-might attract a large number of new users in this website

-create new legends aka trolls
13225 Hits
Matchmaking is USELESS! (6 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 06:12 CDT, 12 October 2016 - iMsg
why not pingmatching?
5200 Hits
quakeworld 1v1 qcon (No comments)
Posted by atfab @ 13:47 CDT, 1 August 2016 - iMsg

pls give leopold some plusses as soon he makes a post :D
11175 Hits
Base V. People of E.S.R. investigation (23 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 08:12 CDT, 21 July 2016 - iMsg
1. who has the better overall resume?
2. who has won the most games, when matched up together?
5750 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 12:56 CDT, 30 June 2016 - iMsg
question to streamers: does your twitch earnings automatically taxed online as income or you have to personally go to the IRS (or your taxman for foreign countries) to report your income tax?
2672 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 07:55 CDT, 20 June 2016 - iMsg
!!!!****MAP OVERVIEW**** !!!!! FOR SPECTATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1407 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 01:56 CDT, 14 June 2016 - iMsg
Tim Willits: Hailing from belarus, ladies and gentlemen.....


2912 Hits
esr betting then esr stocks! (9 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 05:38 CDT, 10 May 2016 - iMsg
the esr investors put their hard earned esr money ( from bets) on the line and invest it on a player

is this possible?

HoF thread?

2543 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 01:09 CDT, 14 April 2016 - iMsg
are there any arena fps players or esr personalities that dated a high profile celeb?

i think porn star asia carrera play unreal years ago, any ut pro who tried to date her?
14527 Hits
umm admins (14 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 00:28 CST, 20 February 2016 - iMsg
can i get out of probation?

if not name your conditions please thanks : D
4367 Hits
Elitist Journal (5 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 08:04 CST, 16 February 2016 - iMsg
Overwatch = Mac
CS:GO = Windows
Quake/UT = Fedora/RedHat

do you agree?
2185 Hits
LMFAO (1 comment)
Posted by atfab @ 07:15 CST, 12 February 2016 - iMsg
1511 Hits
kids tournament for quakecon (idea) (10 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 00:34 CST, 9 February 2016 - iMsg
rules : 14 or under
bring: parent's permission, snacks
awards : scholarship or something something related to academiks

who do you guys wanna see in this tournament
2123 Hits
7052 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 08:00 CST, 31 December 2015 - iMsg
1377 Hits
Best COUNTER-STRIKE players of all time (1 comment)
Posted by atfab @ 06:03 CST, 14 November 2015 - iMsg

1.)if-22 - "Why on earth do you want to watch if22 demos? Having trouble sleeping? " (c) Ignignokt

"There you go......bind DOWNARROW "+back", bind DOWNARROW "+back", bind DOWNARROW "+back", bind DOWNARROW "+back", bind DOWNARROW "+back", bind DOWNARROW "+back" " (c) Jamerio

2.)V1um - "the names most of them mention is you, so I guess you're a +b hero ;) "(c) f0cus

3.)CA Players - "People have said it already

But most CA players are just garbage with 40 LG and 60 rail and they just whore out their team and then 1 v 4 it and get lucky because Quake Live is really easy to +back" (c) Anonymous (

4.)Sothis + pavel - "+back extreme the 5 first min....maybe that confused pavel? ;)" (c) slidrugtanne

5.)k1llsen - "yeah, k1llsen have two sons and a GF. He isn't really playing for real tbh.. If he had played like he did before then he could have won this easy. " (c) CAREEM

6.)jibo -"im really dislike jibo's style - imho he not really talent - when i see his games i think how boring - he play like work... when i saw lexer i allways thought - wow how original, that's really nice hah what irony style he have... (remember frag vs b100.kik on dm6) jibo - imho play now on 99% of his potential (with that cpma shaft what let him to kill all opponent's intellegent things)

imho Rocketboy can to be better then jibo but he havent good prctise vs good opponents...
P.S. - Jibo absoultly zadrot - may be he is nice guy but he is zadrot "(c) Alchemist03
1847 Hits
way to let former cheaters back in game (2 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 11:54 CST, 3 November 2015 - iMsg
cheater has to make a public apology, should make a segment with one of the streamers, preferred segment will be through voting on esr

a.)impersonate lil wayne
b.)do a silento dance

2602 Hits
Most overlooked secret to winning duels (1 comment)
Posted by atfab @ 02:42 CST, 3 November 2015 - iMsg
mi lab u long taym
1241 Hits
your most honest answer pls (28 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 07:47 CDT, 31 October 2015 - iMsg
there seems to be a dilemma in the quake community for all we know the quake III/live/IV whatever you wanna call it scene hasn't been in the best shape in the last 2-3 years, i dunno man sometimes i kinda see the community as being TWO-FACED, noobs are being shooed away, casual viewers on stream are being disrespected, majority of the community doesn't embrace the mainstream, worst of all players don't even want to buy the game

so my question is:

does the community really want quake to succeed?

how can you even have a stable community if

-you don't want the playerbase to increase
-you don't want any exposure
-you can't even support the company the made the game how are they going to sustain their support(i bet most of you didn't even buy the original quake 3)
8303 Hits
Who's better, DaHanG or rapha? (27 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 04:11 CDT, 8 October 2015 - iMsg
1.) Who has better head-to-head score?
2.) Who has the better resume?


3.) Who is the better all-around dueler?
14946 Hits
FFA world championships (fu critics) (125 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 05:39 CDT, 1 October 2015 - iMsg
b4 this thread gets sh*t on lemme explain:


- spectator friendly (in a 32 player server, you got one or two who are tearing sh*t up enjoyable to watch the specs doesn't even need to learn the map they're watching)

- accessible to all players ( what's good is that players from diff tiers get to play each other no stress maybe only the ones who wants to win badly, but even noobs will enjoy playing because more action as opposed to slow play in duel)

- potential huge increase of playerbase due to open FFA championships (invite literally everyone)

-definitely MORE SOCIAL than duel

-in cypher terms, FFA is the REAL AND HONOURABLE WAY TO play quake (jump pads, less exploits and non stop action [it's very hard to set up a play using and exploits with 31 players on your ass], QUAD RUNS, since you have no friends and allies on the server there is almost little to opportunity to camp)(YES WHEN CASUALS THINK QUAKE THEY THINK FFA)


-slap in the face for 1v1 and 4v4 players (but let's face it FFA is gazillion times enjoyable than duel or tdm, if we really want to increase to playerbase vs spectator ratio i think THIS IS THE ONLY WAY)(1v1 and TDM players are the most skilled in any afps game bar none)

- more money has to be spent by the organizers (we're all money hungry we just don't want to admit it)

-FFA tournaments might be prioritized more than duel and tdm in the future : (
21902 Hits
Vehicles in quake/ut duel (35 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 02:20 CDT, 5 September 2015 - iMsg
for example in elder, the player must control the key to access the tank which is placed at the center of the map, the opposing player has a to destroy a tank by repeatedly shooting it rendering the key useless for 200 seconds (tank spawn time)

is it viable?

i think its good for the balance of the gaem like in campgrounds the yellow armor will be transferred beside the red armor and a tank will be on its original place instead, this will give the out of control better chance to regain control
10057 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 12:51 CDT, 31 August 2015 - iMsg
a motivation
b perseverance
c dedication
d hardwrok
11146 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 07:26 CST, 2 March 2015 - iMsg
On may 2 who are you betting for?
4232 Hits
what happened to rapha? (22 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 05:16 CST, 24 February 2015 - iMsg
did he join the army?
12670 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 08:17 CST, 20 February 2015 - iMsg
cats are the best!

and dogs poop everywhere, dumber than cats
8404 Hits
CAN YOU SPOT THE AIMBOT V3 (11 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 21:43 CST, 12 February 2015 - iMsg
9464 Hits
Good at quake, is it really rewarding? (33 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 23:50 CST, 10 February 2015 - iMsg
i mean all that traening, countless hours of dedication and discipline, are the players thinking to themselves at the end of the day: was all the effort worth it?

for example:

cypher won dreamhack 2013 right, after all the celebration, the champagne he goes backstage and thinks to himself "yey i'm the best razer mouse customer in the world........ : | "
10815 Hits
Who's better, Cypher'08 or Cypher'13-14? (22 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 09:25 CST, 5 February 2015 - iMsg
1.)Who has the better resume?
2.)Who has the better head to head score?
9133 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 23:16 CST, 31 December 2014 - iMsg
2584 Hits
i think i just committed a crime (HELP!) (No comments)
Posted by atfab @ 13:54 CST, 15 November 2014 - iMsg
is it a crime if thought ellen looks hot on this video

1138 Hits
Who's better, ScrMz! or GoHLinK? (10 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 00:59 CST, 12 November 2014 - iMsg
1.)Who has the better resume?

2.)who won most games when matched up together?
4918 Hits
Greatest UT players ever (122 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 01:53 CST, 4 November 2014 - iMsg
26459 Hits
Quake Series = highest skill ceiling ? (80 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 22:46 CDT, 29 October 2014 - iMsg
Vs Starcraft, Dota, Counter-Strike, Warcraft 3, Halo, LoL, Street Fighter, MVC, RTCW, Unreal Tournament?

I don't think so.....
21736 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 08:04 CDT, 3 April 2014 - iMsg
who's better, noctis or tox?

1. who has the better resume?

2. who won most games when matched up together?
5426 Hits
Who's better, Noctis or evil? (18 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 06:27 CDT, 28 March 2014 - iMsg
1.)Who has the better resume?

2.)who won most games when matched up together?
2991 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 01:45 CDT, 12 March 2014 - iMsg
1.) Who has the better resume?
2.) who has won the most games, when matched up together?
8777 Hits
AGENT - The movie (25 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 03:46 CST, 6 March 2014 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 0.2 (27 votes)

This is a frag movie of agent the team.
Edited by Lam at 07:02 CST, 8 March 2014 - 7531 Hits
Who's better, Dag or Milton? (10 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 23:58 CST, 3 March 2014 - iMsg
1.) Who has the better resume?
2.) Who among these two is THE biggest legend in quakeworld?

This question is strictly for the QW community only. :P
6198 Hits
The "hate" players w/ insane aim receive (12 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 13:23 CST, 3 March 2014 - iMsg
is it just basic trolling or pure jealousy from their so called critics?

3241 Hits
Admins please ban anyone here who... (14 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 00:44 CST, 2 March 2014 - iMsg
listens to celine dion

CORNY, OVERLY CHEESY i can't stand dat shit...

3928 Hits
EUROPE....seriously...... (12 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 08:47 CST, 28 February 2014 - iMsg
3542 Hits
My take on the "thror" situation... (5 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 21:00 CST, 24 February 2014 - iMsg
thror might be rapha all along, are we all forgetting that sk gaming is a german organization? he might have some employee there speak for him on the thror account...

-he is probably learning to play on low sens (i dunno improve lg?)
-he practicing against euros for a change (as opposed to often playing only us players)

your take...
2118 Hits
How gaming saved your life. (44 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 07:42 CST, 20 February 2014 - iMsg
Nothing to troll about atm, I would just like to here some testimonials of users on this website how gaming had a positive effect on their lives. (avoiding drugs, gangs, violence, etc. you know how it is)

Happy gaming everyone!
12929 Hits
OMG, SHIT JUST GOT REAL! (24 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 21:52 CST, 18 February 2014 - iMsg
since daddy was humble enough not to post this, i'll do the honors

7196 Hits
HIP-HOP FOR NERDS (12 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 07:29 CST, 18 February 2014 - iMsg

3039 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 02:28 CST, 15 February 2014 - iMsg
1.) Who has the better resume?
2.) Who's going to win if ever they fight?
1442 Hits
People taking showmatches seriously.... (25 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 23:22 CST, 10 February 2014 - iMsg
quake is dead bros
4369 Hits
For fatal1ty fans.... (11 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 07:31 CST, 8 February 2014 - iMsg
remember that part in "MTV: i'm a gamer" where after john won the CPL 2002 and at the end he was chillin', calling his dad and hanging out with some bitchizz

here the song btw:

umm yeah...just wanted to share that one k
3784 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 16:38 CST, 3 February 2014 - iMsg
3973 Hits
WTF IS WRONG WITH SK????!!!!! (12 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 04:25 CST, 3 February 2014 - iMsg


where the fuck is:











6960 Hits
Is Cooller the.... (30 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 02:19 CST, 3 February 2014 - iMsg
Peyton Manning of quake?
18434 Hits
Hottest female pro-gamer of all time? (69 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 10:39 CST, 2 February 2014 - iMsg
one word:

52782 Hits
Who's better, Fox or toxjq? (35 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 16:48 CST, 30 January 2014 - iMsg
1. Who has the better resume?
2. who has won the most games, when matched up together?
7026 Hits
Russian style v2.0 (LMAOMG!) (14 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 01:13 CST, 30 January 2014 - iMsg
10903 Hits
If you were to become a pro-gamer....... (22 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 21:27 CST, 26 January 2014 - iMsg
what e-sports team would like to be part of and why?
7796 Hits
Cyber @ Faceit (6 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 17:50 CST, 26 January 2014 - iMsg
what's up with that guy, why he doesn't join the faceit cups??

it's not like he isn't good enough.......
Edited by Teen Queen at 18:00 CST, 26 January 2014 - 2836 Hits
Chuang vs Saive (1 comment)
Posted by atfab @ 02:09 CST, 26 January 2014 - iMsg
great game

2121 Hits
ESR would've given Quake 4 more credit.. (26 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 21:43 CST, 23 January 2014 - iMsg
if only cooller had won WSVG 2006 and ESWC 2007 lolz
4123 Hits
* N U K E D * (3 comments, locked)
Posted by Nuked User @ 05:15 CST, 21 January 2014 - iMsg
* N U K E D *

Better aimers? Counter-Strike or Quake (53 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 04:54 CST, 21 January 2014 - iMsg
take ur pick
16437 Hits
* N U K E D * (4 comments, locked)
Posted by Nuked User @ 00:20 CST, 18 January 2014 - iMsg
* N U K E D *

Russian style (2nd serious atfab thread) (11 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 04:00 CST, 16 January 2014 - iMsg
Does it really have any advantages over the normal position
apart from better use at narrow spaces?


Back breaker
3209 Hits
1st serious atfab journal (3 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 04:44 CST, 14 January 2014 - iMsg
what if rapha didn't exist, would've avekkk won every ql championship from 2009-2011?
2589 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 09:36 CST, 11 January 2014 - iMsg
wer du i position?
1961 Hits
Michael Angelo Batio vs Yngwie Malmsteen (102 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 06:49 CST, 9 January 2014 - iMsg
Who's the greatest guitarist of all time? and why?
Edited by PerpetualWar at 07:58 CST, 9 January 2014 - 17613 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 23:38 CST, 8 January 2014 - iMsg

always stay on guard fellas! fuck those hood rats....
2181 Hits
THE FUTURE OF QUAKE! (11 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 12:32 CST, 8 January 2014 - iMsg
1. Quake becomes mainstream and is recognized as an actual SPORT

2. A lot of million dollar quake tournaments

3. The scene gains a lot of new players/casuals

4. 1000000+ avg viewers on streams each week

5. PRO quake players have their own nike or adidas commercials

6. quake players are featured on CNN, MTV, BBC

7. avekkk is released his debut pop album and reached the top 5 billboard charts on its 1st week

8. rapha's sitcom tops the TV ratings on its 2nd season

9. Tox is preparing for the shooting of his brand new pepsi commercial

10. cypher is in a life and death situation of choosing whether to practice for the upcoming tournament or to attend the MTV Video music awards and Grammys this week

11. Justin Timberlake & Drake just announced their new twitch accounts where they will be playing quake and league of legends

12. CZM is busy coaching miley cyrus and kendrick lamar for the Hollywood RED CARPET ANNIHILATION quake cup
2470 Hits
Who's better, Tal or Karpov? (5 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 00:36 CST, 7 January 2014 - iMsg
1. Who has the better resume?
1719 Hits
Who's better, Fischer or Kasparov? (11 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 13:21 CST, 6 January 2014 - iMsg
1. Who has the better resume?
2714 Hits
QUAKELIVE @ DREAMHACK SUMMER 2014!!!! (6 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 05:10 CST, 5 January 2014 - iMsg
whens the dates?
10423 Hits
QL/Q3 Major tournament records (8 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 01:34 CST, 3 January 2014 - iMsg
CPL - Cyberathlete Professional League
ESWC - Electronic Sports World Cup
WCG - World Cyber Games
IEM - Intel Extreme Masters

For duel:

Fatal1ty -

CPL Cologne
World Cyber Games 2000
CPL Razer
CPL Australia


CPL Babbages
Quakecon 2000
Quakecon 2001
Quakecon 2003
World Cyber Games 2001
CPL Nostromo


ESWC 2003
ESWC 2005
IEM Europe (season V)


Quakecon 2004
CPL winter 2006


Dreamhack 2008
Dreamhack 2009
Dreamhack 2010


Dreamhack Winter 2010,
Dreamhack Summer 2011,
Dreamhack Winter 2011,
Dreamhack Winter 2013,
Quakecon 2008,
Quakecon 2010
Quakecon 2012
ESWC 2008
ESWC Paris
IEM Europe (season IV)


Quakecon 2009
Quakecon 2011
Quakecon 2013
Dreamhack Summer 2012
IEM US (season V)
IEM Dubai
IEM Cologne
IEM Finals (season IV)
IEM Finals (season V)
ESWC Athens
ESWC 2010
2052 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 08:54 CST, 29 December 2013 - iMsg
does cooller have any games where he hits 60+% RG / 40+%LG or games where he rape an opponent 30+ 40+ frags ?
2769 Hits
Quakelive's BIG 5 2014-2015 (44 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 08:05 CST, 29 December 2013 - iMsg
Advanced happy new yearz everyone!

United States of America rapha
Russia evil
Belarus Cypher
Poland av3kkk
United States of America DaHang
7167 Hits
Who's better, Silva or GSP? (16 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 01:35 CST, 29 December 2013 - iMsg
why am i asking the obvious......smfh
4116 Hits
DOTA HIGHLIGHTS 2013 YEAR ENDER!!!!!! (No comments)
Posted by atfab @ 04:06 CST, 28 December 2013 - iMsg
1738 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 02:30 CST, 27 December 2013 - iMsg
"I like you haters in esr are pulling their tongues out of my ass now that i am losing" (c) cypher

"and still you can't counter my fucking tricks" (c) cypher

8007 Hits
Who's better, strenx or winz? (68 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 15:54 CST, 24 December 2013 - iMsg
1. who has the better overall resume?
2. who has won the most games, when matched up together?
19163 Hits
CYPHER VS HAL_9000 (20 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 00:21 CST, 23 December 2013 - iMsg
When two worlds collide.
7559 Hits
GHETTO NAMEZ (46 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 10:57 CST, 19 December 2013 - iMsg
90% of female names either have "sha" or ends with an "a"

Moshaniqquahtae - MO' SHA' NEE' KWA' TAY
Rashaniqua - RAH' SHA' NEE' KWA
Shaquintiah - SHAH' KWIN' TEE' YAH
Frelayshataqua - FRE' LAY' SHA' TAH' KWA
Roshantalay (REALLY?!)
Quaydayshiana - QUAY' DAY' SHEE' YAH' NAH
Kayeshiana - KAY' SHEE' YAH' NAH
Raylashaquandehshika (wow...i'm

90% of male names starts with either a french or german suffix

11939 Hits
125 or 250, who's better? (8 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 07:41 CST, 19 December 2013 - iMsg
1. who has the better overall resume?
2. who has won the most games, when matched up together?
4933 Hits
Who's better, cooller or czm? (19 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 03:05 CST, 17 December 2013 - iMsg
1. who has won the most games, when matched up together?
5885 Hits
DeX vs w3sp, greatest defragger of all? (5 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 20:57 CST, 9 December 2013 - iMsg
both are tied imo

notable mention: sa1rax
1937 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 06:38 CST, 5 December 2013 - iMsg

eat those rubber hippies! lol
2247 Hits
Batman or Superman, who's better? (70 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 08:11 CST, 4 December 2013 - iMsg
who's the better superhero overall?
6380 Hits
TOLD Y'ALL SO! (4 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 11:40 CST, 25 November 2013 - iMsg
but y'all wont listen......

1708 Hits
ANAND RETIRE (20 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 03:10 CST, 19 November 2013 - iMsg
Indiens u mad?

Breaking News: Magnus SwagYolo Carlsen bodybags anand 2-0 NIIT to drop anand's sponsorship
4047 Hits
In boxing who would Cypher be? (22 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 22:41 CST, 15 November 2013 - iMsg
Floyd Mayweather Jr.?
5038 Hits
Posted by atfab @ 01:24 CST, 12 November 2013 - iMsg
yet most people here seem to push the +forward/aggressive style which is obviously less effective compared to +backing, is it that because majority of people here on esr are masochists?

5051 Hits
Who's better, Cooller or Fatal1ty? (11 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 18:58 CST, 8 November 2013 - iMsg
1. who has the better overall resume?
2. who has won the most games, when matched up together?
3868 Hits
ESR giving DHW2013 too much credit? (39 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 04:10 CST, 8 November 2013 - iMsg
because all i can see is cypher, rapha and evil roflstomping the whole tournament lol
3306 Hits
Weekly music POWER 10! (14 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 19:57 CST, 7 November 2013 - iMsg
Hello bringing you another feature of the Weekly music POWER 10! As a gift, I'll will be adding the K-POP WEEKLY POWER 10 list next week!

Power 10 songs this week!

1. Avicii - Wake Me Up!
2. Lorde - Royals
3. Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball
4. Katy Perry - Roar
5. Lady Gaga - Applause
6. Drake Featuring Majid Jordan - Hold On, We're Going Home
7. Selena Gomez - Slow Down
8. Paramore - Still Into You
9. Imagine Dragons - Demons
10. Jay Z Featuring Justin Timberlake - Holy Grail

Power 10 albums this week!

1. Miley Cyrus - Bangerz
2. Panic! At The Disco - Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die!
3. Drake - Nothing Was The Same
4. Pusha T - My Name Is My Name
5. Justin Timberlake - The 20/20 Experience (2 Of 2)
6. Lorde - Pure Heroine
7. Soundtrack - Glee: The Quarterback
8. Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines
9. Cassadee Pope - Frame By Frame
10. Mayday Parade - Monsters In The Closet

Edited by Lam at 02:12 CST, 8 November 2013 - 4983 Hits
A moment of silence...... (37 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 17:58 CST, 7 November 2013 - iMsg
for the 5 linux players that we have lost.
7347 Hits
New to quake (HELP PLEASE!) (9 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 05:08 CST, 7 November 2013 - iMsg
hi all

are there any good players that i can root for?

i mean i'm looking for a top player who has the most fans

you know like the "Justin Bieber of quake"

i heard cooller has the largest fanbase in quake

can i please join your fanclub guys?
2365 Hits
Technical Comedians (1 comment)
Posted by atfab @ 04:57 CST, 7 November 2013 - iMsg
can you mention some stand up comedians who does like 10+ minute bits where they story tell for most of the time then only to unleash the joke on the last second or so. (assuming you understood their story in the minutes prior)

ex. george carlin
1086 Hits
SK.EVIL (37 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 03:08 CST, 7 November 2013 - iMsg
How does that sound?
Edited by wn at 21:47 CST, 15 November 2013 - 10100 Hits
Weekly music Top 10 power rankings! (3 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 09:20 CDT, 29 October 2013 - iMsg
For all the music enthusiasts, from now on I'll be doing a weekly Top 10 of all your favorite artists. I might be doing music reviews from time to time enjoy!


Power 10 songs this week!
1. Katy Perry - Roar
2. Lorde - Royals
3. Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball
4. Eminem - Rap god
5. Avicii - Wake Me Up!
6. OneRepublic - Counting Stars
7. Drake Featuring Majid Jordan - Hold On, We're Going Home
8. Ylvis - The Fox
9. Lady Gaga - Applause
10. Lady Gaga feat. R Kelly - Do What U Want

Power 10 albums this week!
1. Pearl Jam - Lightning Bolt
2. Miley Cyrus - Bangerz
3. Paul McCartney - New
4. Drake - Nothing was the same
5. The Avett Brothers - Magpie And The Dandelion
6. Scotty McCreery - See You Tonight
7. Lorde - Pure Heroine
8. Cher - Closer to the truth
9. Willie Nelson -To all the girls
10. Justin Timberlake - The 20/20 Experience

1679 Hits
METALLICA: lel (3 comments)
Posted by atfab @ 04:58 CDT, 26 October 2013 - iMsg
2357 Hits
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