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Ouch (34 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 09:26 CDT, 22 May 2010 - iMsg
Edited by Eyjafjallajökull at 04:49 CDT, 26 May 2010 - 15294 Hits
Tibia and femur - a love poem (13 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 09:46 CDT, 14 May 2010 - iMsg
Tibia and femur

Your moons are rose-scented and poverty-stricken
You mauled her lithe and little body with your plump big body.
And she crushes your mind with her boyish laugh and demanding hands,
that remind you of stories about Moorish Spain read in a carcass-silent library at noon

Her arms are like rope. your hands are like shovels.
Her legs are powerful like 10,000 frogs.
She opens herself scissor-fast and swims around your arms which are anchors.
Mermaids, oh why do they flock to dark and rusty anchors?
And why do they kiss the sunken ships with their velvet mouths?
Edited by Eyjafjallajökull at 09:46 CDT, 14 May 2010 - 7005 Hits
Wait another month for nick change? (48 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 04:12 CDT, 24 April 2010 - iMsg
In light of the spectacular news about the erupting Icelandic vulcano Eyjafjallajökull, I, agardenchair, had named myself "Eyjafjallajökull".

But now she stopped raging and simmered down to a couple of warm farts every minute or so. The circumstances force me to rename myself to agardenchair again, you see. But I'm getting the message similar to

"You recently changed your nickname, you must wait another month before the next change will be possible"

Is a nick change so hard on the server? .-(
15183 Hits
Geneva atom smasher gearing up (72 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 05:38 CDT, 30 March 2010 - iMsg
Live coverage from the event

Stupid laymen and some nutty scientists voiced concern that the experiment may produce a black hole that could destroy the earth and eventually lead the universe back to its initial state. Such is life, you always get a nice share of morons trying to ruin scientific progress.

Here is a webcam, that is likely to show nothing but some vibrations, but still fun (and nerdy)!
18381 Hits
The city of darkness (33 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 07:45 CDT, 23 March 2010 - iMsg
Hak Nam aka "The Walled City" in "Kowloon" was a compound of small stacked apartments giving housing to around 40,0000 people. Before its demolition in 1993, the photographer Greg Girard, dared to enter this "city of darkness" and took some photos.

"I was shocked and fascinated at the same time", he remembers, "the houses were up to fourteen stories high and stood closely against each other. Instead of streets, there were these very narrow corridors lined with litter. It was dark and humid."

This place was not dreamed up at the drawing board, it had been growing organically. Weirdest result of "oranically grown" architecture ever? Or an option for the future?

Photo series on

slightly bigger picture of the whole "thing"

If you don't mind a German documentary (the pictures are worth it):

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Edited by agardenchair at 16:05 CDT, 23 March 2010 - 10168 Hits
Snow Venus in NJ needs to cover up (12 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 10:15 CST, 5 March 2010 - iMsg

Police in the US state of New Jersey have ordered a family to cover up their snow sculpture of the famous nude Venus de Milo after a neighbour complained.

I guess he couldn't wait for spring. What a TOOL!
2319 Hits
9000km - a travel diary (13 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 12:46 CST, 28 February 2010 - iMsg

The joint project of Google and the Russian Railways lets you take a trip along the famous route and see Baikal, Khekhtsirsky range, Barguzin mountains, Yenisei river and many other picturesque places of Russia without leaving your house. Let's go!

We just left Moscow. 150+ hours lie ahead of us. Who knows? The landscape does not look the tiniest bit barren, it must be spring in Russia. The scenery looks like the Ruhrgebiet route from Essen to Oberhausen. My girlfriend likes it. We grab our sandwiches and make ourselbes comfortable in front of the train window. Somewhere between Fryazevo and Elizavetino the rumble of the wheels subsided, but no worries, it'll be back. The tea is good. We just passed a group of railway workers in orange. - hardy types. Watch it! Whew that was close.

A couple of weird looking and deserted construction site just passed by. I had to go to the bathroom so I halted the train. Back with a snack of carrot cake and coffee the journey starts again. Cozy stations sitting in large forest terrains invite to step outside and talk to the locals, but the train will not wait for us. Fire up the engine, Dimitri, here we go again.

I get my copy of The Brothers Karamazov by Dosotevsky out of the backpack and start reading. After a while I sense a sullen aloofness in the couple next to me. They have stopped talking and are eyeing me closely. Either they are Russian and ashamed they never read the Master or they just detest the idea of a German reading one of their national treasures. I have not farted in two hours, so that can't be it. My friend Georg suggests playing a game of Skat - Germany's most popular card game, that is played by 3 people. Georg is divorced.

I am shaken by a thunderous noise that seems to come from the rails about 100m in front of the train, making its way directly towards us.
Edited by agardenchair at 09:33 CST, 1 March 2010 - 3234 Hits
tl;dr (47 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 13:50 CST, 24 February 2010 - iMsg
In order to reduce the chances of composing message that are too long and are not read, we should introduce a nomenclature like

no: no

QL: Quake Live
ud: update
pi: pizza
(y): woman (depicted is a woman's waist)
(|): ass / butt (depicted is a buttcrack)

1: good
11: very good
111... : very very. good....

0: bad
00: very bad,
000...: very very bad...

~: past tense
#: not
->: because

17: is fat
21: is stupid
5: is gay

"The pizza rocked" becomes pi 111~
"Jonesy is fat because the pizza was good" becomes Jonesy 17->pi 1~
"The QL update sucked" becomes QL ud 0~
"That was stupid" becomes 21~
Edited by agardenchair at 07:53 CST, 25 February 2010 - 8484 Hits
Empty tissue dispensers... (30 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 13:10 CST, 14 February 2010 - iMsg
Anyone know if they are still good for anything? Any McGyver here?

Edited by agardenchair at 07:48 CST, 15 February 2010 - 6329 Hits
Two products the world waited for (11 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 09:05 CST, 25 January 2010 - iMsg
1. Stylizable toilet seat
2. Finger lights for 'night blogging'
4081 Hits
Drunk Ewoks on Today Show (29 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 12:25 CST, 11 January 2010 - iMsg
Edited by agardenchair at 11:44 CST, 12 January 2010 - 3753 Hits
Eckhart Tolle (27 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 15:22 CST, 12 November 2009 - iMsg
The end of suffering

Eckhart Tolle is a spirtual person, who teaches the basics of what you might call Zen or Buddhism. He sometimes quotes Jesus but rarely uses the word 'God', he's not a subscriber to a particular religion, but stresses the similarities between all spiritual movements. I've just finished reading his work The Power Of Now and think it is worthwhile to write about it.

Up to now, the spiritual world has not been of interest to me. Why? I chose to find answers and relief in intellectual questions. These things are still quite valuable to me as they give me a broader intellectual perspective and a richer view on the external world. But there rarely is true peace or joy coming from a mathematical equation, and that's not the point of mathematics anyway. Also, I read Eckhart Tolle's book in light of my logical mind and not so much the suffering ego, he writes about and which, according to Tolle, is doing the damage in this world.

However, I have to say that his words ring true and that they are logical. And I see the potential of these insights to make the world a better place. But what is more important, they can show a path to the end of suffering for the individual. If he or she is ready for it, meaning, he or she has had enough pain and has suffered enough. Severe suffering is a great stepping stone into spirituality, according to Tolle.

The first thing he writes about is the disintegration of the true you from the voice in your head, the mind. The mind is not you. How can it be you? It is the ego's voice which is like an echo of other people's voices. Tolle calls it ego. You are the silent consciousness behind the loud voices in your head. To become free, you must let them pass you by as if they were talking about someone else, which is true, because they have nothing to do with you personally. You ego's attachment to the voice is the source of compulsive and repetitive thoughts. Identify with it and contiue to suffer, depersonalize it and reach a point of joy and inner peace.

The second insight is about time: the past, the present and the future. Only one of them is real. The Now. Nothing has ever ocurred or been accomplished in the past or the future, as they are the mind's illusions. The Now is the most precious time because it is the only time. If you make the voice in your head stop or depersonalize it to such a point it will be just like static on the radio, your attention will shift into the Now. Look around the room and you will see the room for the first time. Everything has fresh natural color. As you touch your desk, you will feel its nature. But don't think and don't judge. Just be.

(Of course, there is 'clock time', which is the time shown by the clock. Otherwise we could not make an appointment.)

The other important part is the body's reactions to pain and suffering, which is a manifestation of what Tolle named the "pain body. Perhaps I can talk about that too. but not now since it is late.
Edited by agardenchair at 09:29 CST, 13 November 2009 - 6077 Hits
Why do women have sex? (75 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 09:48 CDT, 7 October 2009 - iMsg
According to a new book by two lecturers at the University of Texas, the 'netherworld of female sexuality' as Freud called it seems to have been illuminated by a small light.

The research in which 1,000 women have been asked about the reasons for sleeping with a man, gave a colorful array of answers, some of them unexpected ones.

'To relieve the boredom - because it's easier than fighting. To give me something to do.'

Bargaining power: In return for a household chore

'Because it's the closest thing to God'

'I slept with a couple of guys because I felt sorry for them'

Financial motives: 'Because he bought me a nice dinner'

'I have sex with my boyfriend to make my sexual skills better'

To relieve a migraine or stress headache

With an unattractive man - because low testosterone attracts women by suggesting the man is less likely to cheat

College separation: 'Life is too shor to be waiting four years to have sex again'

Some reviewers of the book said that this is proof that women don't really 'feel sex' and have very specific reasons to engage in sexual acticivity that are linked to profit and direct use.

I find that amazingly stupid. Why would a woman have sex if she didn't have a sexual impetus?

The title of the book is "Why women have sex", not "Why do women have sex?"
Edited by agardenchair at 14:04 CDT, 9 October 2009 - 24661 Hits
'Reality' - The game (12 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 08:10 CDT, 2 October 2009 - iMsg
Let's venture into the game called "reality". Explore the world as if you were in a computer game. That's what it is to the brain.

Apparently I am in a room and are supposed to do stuff. Will explore closer. There is a computer, a desk and books and other stuff I can't use right now. There is one book on the desk. I approach it and read the title. It's about geometry. I open it at a random middle page and there is a LOT of stuff in there. It says something about the 'Fermat point of a triangle'. Do I need this later in the game?

Ok, going to save and return to the internet. Must explore more stuff later. Looks like a decent game, but a bit confusing. How to tell if some hint is useful or not?
Edited by agardenchair at 15:40 CDT, 2 October 2009 - 9492 Hits
Peace (25 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 12:27 CDT, 23 September 2009 - iMsg
I drew a comics for you. I hope you like!?!?!? I like you :-)
5272 Hits
3-2-1-... (8 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 06:01 CDT, 28 August 2009 - iMsg
Edited by agardenchair at 13:47 CDT, 28 August 2009 - 2151 Hits
Two brainteasers (21 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 07:24 CDT, 13 August 2009 - iMsg
1) 4 matches are arranged as shown. They represent a cocktail glass, the match head in the middle is an onion. Problem: Move only two matches so the glass is reformed but the onion, which must stay where it is, is outside the glass. The glass may change it direction or position. The upper right figure is not a solution because the onion is still inside the glass. The lower right version isn't either because three matches were moved.

2) Problem: Move the queen four times, making standard queen moves (horizontally, vertically or diagonally), so that she passes through all nine of the shaded squares. The shown solution is not valid because it uses six moves!
3906 Hits
Microsoft Comfort Optical Mouse 1000 (4 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 10:33 CDT, 12 August 2009 - iMsg
So like, I have this mouse and was wondering if anyone else has it. I am under the impression that it is very inaccurate but if anyone else uses it, preferably playing QL with it, and is satisfied, maybe that person can give me a hint. Thanks.
Edited by agardenchair at 10:33 CDT, 12 August 2009 - 4427 Hits
"gl", "hf"....stfu? (87 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 15:48 CDT, 5 August 2009 - iMsg
Ok, rocketman or joerocket or whatever you're called. 'm not be the best at keeping to standards. I freely admit that I like to spice things up a little every now and then. So you spent 10 minutes with me playing, warming-up and chatting.

"gl hf"
" "
"GL HF? Hello?"
"wtf yeah I am having fun already."
"play with bots retard" [quits]

Ooooh ok, I'm not good enough to play against because I didn't say "gl hf". LMFAO If you value etiquette so much and dull reptitions why not joining your aunt's tea table or golf club?

I mean, did I miss a briefing with the social competence team of QL or something? rotfl excuse me, Sir, but I am under the impression that you are a boring brain-festering coward...and what's worse , you keep quitting for a stupid reason. A quitter doesn't win. Never. Have a nice day, Sir.
12505 Hits
Silly season... (5 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 10:59 CDT, 29 June 2009 - iMsg

blablahblah Michael Jackson was an alien
That cruel Iranian government
need a aircut
It sure is hot today
Today I will go swimming
Lose weight while sleeping
Quake Live is teh sux
This summer is going to be...
Whatever happened to OJ Simpson, do you remember that
want to catch a pizza on the way home
bzzzzzzzz bzzzzzz
u must believe
slowly if necessary but you must get up
it's 9 already
the child from next door breaking his leg in a climbing wall
the harsh smells of summer, the sweet fragrance of the dead

I am inside of something. It is a wooden box on an attic of an abandoned ruin. Nobody will hear me hammering against the walls, against the top. Sand falls into my coffin into my eyes, nose and mouth. Startled doves jerk around and fly away as I pound against the walls. They will identify me as the missing person and find this story, written on dirty and damp paper with a shaking hand. Unheard.
Edited by agardenchair at 07:33 CDT, 30 June 2009 - 2220 Hits
5480 Hits
I rule (38 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 04:43 CDT, 11 June 2009 - iMsg
In a Team Deathmatch game I accidentally railed a team mate who just ppicked up quad. There was a short silience and I started to type "sorry", but then I typed "owned!!". Why, I don't know :-) He totally freaked out and called me dirty names. For 12 minutes. Consequently we lost. HAHAHA. I'm going to do that again sometime.

Edit: Free snickers! Nom nom nom.
Edited by agardenchair at 06:44 CDT, 12 June 2009 - 19301 Hits
Wolfram Alpha (49 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 04:37 CDT, 18 May 2009 - iMsg

Post your findings please.

timbuktu weather 1990
how old are you
stephen, barbara
1 apple + 2 oranges + 2 coke
35,000 words in German
Edited by agardenchair at 06:48 CDT, 19 May 2009 - 6935 Hits
Your Quake Live graphics settings (82 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 09:49 CDT, 12 May 2009 - iMsg
Anyone got some good dark ones with glowing models?

Yes, I'm a nub and my nub's ass will get kicked for asking (not from the site, I hope), but I'd really like to see what people are doing with their QL!!!!!!
36822 Hits
Tetris (for pros only) (12 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 15:39 CDT, 25 April 2009 - iMsg

Still feeling pro - play Statbuilder, a vast RPG in the style of WoW:
4277 Hits
Reclaim Steam account? (10 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 05:08 CDT, 20 March 2009 - iMsg
I wanted to start up HL2 again, but I don't have my Steam account name, password or the associated E-Mail adress anymore.

So I can't play HL2 or what?
3200 Hits
Riddles for tourist (31 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 17:18 CST, 28 February 2009 - iMsg
And for everyone else, of course, because tourist seems to have gone to bed. No lying guards this time.

1) -3) have been solved

1) Find all times that the hour and minute hand of a clock lie directly on top of each other?

2) With two measuring cups, each holding 4 and 7 units, measure 2 units. Assume that you have an indefinite amount of water.

3) tourist and agardenchair run a 100m dash. tourist wins with an edge of 10 meters. ((Unlikely, you're right.) They repeat the race but this time tourist's starting line is 10m in front of the regular starting line. Assuming their velocities are constant and have not changed, who wins?

Edit: Error in 2) corrected

4) Cross out nine letters to get a single word:


5) A ladder of 10m length is leaning against a wall. It touches a cuboid-shaped crate, sized 1x1x1 m^3, that is standing snugly in front of the wall. At what height does the ladder touch the wall? (There are two possible positions of the ladder, they are symmetrical. Find the greatest height of the two possible.)

6) M. White, W. Black and G. Brown are colleagues and eat at the cafeteria.
"Isn't it remarkable, that we are called 'White', 'Black' and 'Brown' but each also have white, brown or black hair?', says the woman of the three.
"Indeed', answers the person with black hair, 'And did you notice that nobody of us has the hair color that matches his / her name?"
"Gosh, you're right", says M. White.

Suppose the woman's hair is not brown, what color is M. White's hair?
Edited by agardenchair at 11:27 CDT, 11 March 2009 - 7507 Hits
Spooky (9 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 12:24 CST, 27 February 2009 - iMsg
Anyone else checked out the tutorial room a bit closer?
3126 Hits
2807 Hits
Gotta love US reviews (11 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 06:41 CST, 18 December 2008 - iMsg

To those of you who read books, and there is proof that some of you havet tried it once, I have a modest proposal. And I especially congratulate the above linked to readers on choosing Thomas Mann or Thomas Pynchon over Dan Brown.

It is with not so great pleasure that I see you voicing your opinion about things, that you felt entitled to speak of in the case of Thomas Mann and Thomas Pynchon though. For these books cannot be read without prerequisites. To be able to understand them you need experience in the world of literature. Some of you read them as if they were movies, that you can just take or leave. 'Enjoy the ride', one reviewer writes of 'Against the day' by Thomas Pynchon. Reading a book is very different to taking an enjoyable ride, it is a deliberate effort, in other words, it is work. Reading is hard work sometimes,and you need a talent for it just like you need a talent for writing. A reader of T. Mann or Pynchon is not a casual reader. He has his nose inside the pages, he breaks out in cold sweat, he swears, he cries, he throws the book against the wall, he laughs, he begins to understand. He will not make up his mind after the first read but will struggle with the subject, wanting to wrestle the author down in a fierce fight. He will not be able to write about the book in a productive way for a long time. As reading commences, your inclination to write amazon reviews will get weaker.
Edited by agardenchair at 16:48 CST, 18 December 2008 - 3469 Hits
I got an invite! (48 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 15:39 CST, 3 December 2008 - iMsg it already Christmas?

Watch out for my leet skills! CYA@ARENA
Edited by agardenchair at 15:40 CST, 3 December 2008 - 11008 Hits
Sorry, Phiilip Roth. Sorry, John Updike. (9 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 06:07 CDT, 10 October 2008 - iMsg
Your writing just isn't good enough for the Swedish Nobel Prize jury. Horace Engdahl, the permanent secretary of the Nobel prize jury, caused quite a stir last week by saying:

"Of course there is powerful literature in all big cultures, but you can't get away from the fact that Europe still is the centre of the literary world ... not the United States,"

"The US is too isolated, too insular. They don't translate enough and don't really participate in the big dialogue of literature, That ignorance is restraining."

Consequently, this year's Nobel Prize for literature goes to a very European author, Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio. I had heard the name but have not read anything by this writer. I think there is only one novel by him on the German market. Unlike American authors who are disinclined "to participate in the big dialogue of literature", he travelled a lot in his life and allegedly his prose is characterized by sincere humaneness.

But there is hope, Joyce Carol Oates. here are a couple of big names that did not get the prize either, just to cheer you up: Joyce, Tolstoi, Brecht.

And Kafka even spent his whole life within the narrow streets of Prague.
Edited by agardenchair at 06:08 CDT, 10 October 2008 - 2537 Hits
A modest note (64 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 16:00 CDT, 22 September 2008 - iMsg
Hopefully. This once-useful adverb meaning "with hope" has been distorted and is now widely used to mean "I hope" or "it is to be hoped." Such use is not merely wrong, it is silly. To say "Hopefully, I'll leave on the noon plane" is to talk nonsense. Do you mean you'll leave on the noon plane in a hopeful frame of mind? Or do you mean you hope you'll leave on the noon plane? Whatever you mean, you haven't said it clearly. Although the world in its new, free-floating capacity may be pleasurable and even useful to many, it offends the ear of many others. who do not like to see the word dulled or eroded, particularly if the erosion leads to ambiguity, softness or nonsense.

Source: Strunk, White: The Elements of Style
Edited by agardenchair at 05:10 CDT, 23 September 2008 - 7548 Hits
Is esreality for sale? (14 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 18:07 CDT, 10 September 2008 - iMsg
And if yes, how much is it?
4769 Hits
YEAH RIGHT (No comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 14:05 CDT, 20 August 2008 - iMsg
1123 Hits
That was Bye. (NT) (No comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 06:11 CDT, 12 August 2008 - iMsg
999 Hits
I demand an apology (17 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 16:03 CDT, 29 July 2008 - iMsg
Now that I've got your attention, I demand that Quake Live be released. Now!

Oooor... you'll see. Not threatening anyone just sayin'.

I leave you on this wonderful summer night with a poem I wrote a while back.

Red sails in the sunset
by agardenchair

Oh embers of red on a parabola horizon,
glistening sunset dripping from a fishing line.
I'm in that old cafe and drink to a silhouette.
The walls remember the broken mirrors too well here.
Edited by agardenchair at 16:10 CDT, 29 July 2008 - 5123 Hits
I look young (104 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 14:10 CDT, 16 July 2008 - iMsg
A 15 year old girl just asked me how old I was.

The other day, an interviewer for a beer company asked me on the street "Are you 18 or older"?
Me: I'm 34.
She: Oh wow, you look good for your age.
Me: I do look good for my age.
She: So, do you like beer?
Me: No.
20508 Hits
An old rocket - A Quake 3 novelette (31 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 14:04 CDT, 13 May 2008 - iMsg
An old rocket
by agardenchair


Sarge was sitting at the kitchen table, finishing his breakfast of raw egg yolks, pineapple juice and granola with a pinch of cinnamon, when it hit him.

"Ooh", he moaned. The everyday drudgery of his life away from the arenas finally got to him. His job at the army store was as dull as anything on this planet, but the agony of that sunday morning was just too heavy to take. Plus, the occasional dates with Mynx were not working out. It became obvious she was not the one he needed at this time. Sure, those legs, her touch of a wildcat and willingness to be ready when he wanted her, had been thrilling first. And flattering. He was fourty-nine now and had started to feel his bones long ago. But the scent of Mynx's skin lingering on his hemp pillow began to make him sick.

"I feel like shit. Something has got to change", Sarge thought. He took his leather coat, lit a cigar and left his apartment in Willits Avenue. He headed towards the building that housed his second-favorite place in the whole world, next to his tank-style toilet. When he arrived, a group of technicians were working on the big bright letters at the entrance. He looked up and shook his head.

"T e amp rounds - you guys better get those neon letters back up quick!", he mumbled to the men, who did not seem to notice him.

The guys were already hanging out in the lobby. As he checked out the scene, Sarge's legs felt heavy and a tiny teardrop made its way out of his left eye. Everything was different. And he knew, it was just him, who had changed.

"A good morning to you, Master Sarge", Xaero said, smiling a very honest smile, "I believe it is going to be a good day at the arenas today."

"Hey, Sarge, sup? Coming for a strafe or two? Let's kick some Orbb butt, shall we?", Visor said and put down his beer in front of Xaero's cup of tea. The two men had jotted down some tactical hieroglyphs on a piece of paper for the next 2-on-2 against Ranger and Orbb later that day.

"Nah, guys, I'll just sip on my espresso at the 'Café du camp' and let you do the action today", Sarge replied wearily.

"Hah! Hah! Hah! Good one. Come on. Gotta show you a nifty rail move on the ole' Campgrounds."

"No. Seriously. I need to relax a little and ... uhm ... some time for me, myself and Mr. Cigar here. Hope you don't mind, fellows."

"Oh...well. Alright, Sarge. Whatever you say, man, whatever you say."

"Visor-San. Let Master Sarge polish his shotgun for a while. He will join us enlightened soon afterwards, I am one hundred percent sure", Xaero said, smiling brightly, bowing slightly. Orbb came trotting by crying.

"My eyeball hurts. Ranger?"

"I ain't touching your creepy eyeball again!", Ranger replied as he was putting on his boots.

"Ouh. Touchy..."

Ranger stood up and headed towards the hallways to the arena. As he passed Sarge, he whispered:

"Mynx asked for you and she did not look exactly satisfied, if you catch my drift, old friend." Sarge sighed.

"Days like this should be erased from space-time. Big time. Boom. With a BFG or something. Or two BFGs. Yeah."

A constant breeze came from the hallways to "DM6". Huge turbines secured the airflow within the map room. A metallic scent was in the air, the acidic smell of high-tec gun lubricants danced under his nostrils. As Sarge stood there watching Ranger getting ready to enter the heavily secured map-area, he began to feel weak again and rememberd the first time he stood here in '99. It was around Christmas time and everybody was happy. The distant sound of a rocket was audible and carried Sarge away into a state of dreaminess.
"Scuse me, Sarge", Orbb said in his high-pitch voice, as he went by to follow Ranger. Sarge awoke from his daydreams, turned away and headed towards the cafe.

Sarge had not set foot into the cafe for ages. In fact, he never had. The European flair of the place was not to his liking. Mostly map designers (that called themselves "arena architects"), electricians, weapon mechanics and a couple of lost souls and former hardy types, idled in the Cafe du Camp. Sarge sat in a bistro chair, leaned back and went for another cigar.
"No smoking", said a servile Crash, pulled the cigar from Sarge's mouth and placed it into his lap.
"Can I take your order now?", she continued and snatched a notepad and a pen from her apron.
"A cafe au lait and a croissant, please", he whispered.
Two men in overalls at a nearby table looked over, then they turned to their coffees and picked up their conversation again.
"Did you hear there was a massive power outage on T4 last night?", one of them said.
"Yeah, and the lava-heating-system went crazy the other night on DM13 as well. I heard one of the players, I think his name was 'Grunt', fell into it and just got stuck", the other one answered.
"It's been almost ten years, the old stuff is starting to fall apart, man. Either we're getting a massive makeover or the maps will all be dumps in no time."
'I could use a makeover', Sarge thought. He grabbed the "Quake Observer" from another chair and checked the headlines.

Anarki put on probation for overriding the weapon-security-system and spawning a BFG on DM17. Orbb and Hunter to be appointed chief-editors of the Quake Observer. TankJr pulled a Sr - Tank Jr Jr is alive and kicking. Lucy customer of the month at the Cafe du Camp.

'My retirement would make the headlines for sure', Sarge thought.

"Hi, Sssarge", a hissing voice said. Sarge looked up and recognized his friend. His hood had seen better times as well; the stains of dried blood looked like little islands and the burn marks and bullet holes gave its owner an aura of vulnerability. The creature Sarge had admired for being the ultimate Quake warrior for most of his life now looked tired and almost ready to give in. Perhaps that was a side to him Sarge had never allowed himself to see.
"Hey, Uriel, how are you?"
"Ssssame ole nonsense. Have been trying to put sssome money away for the holidays. You?"
"Can I ask you something?"
"Oh no.."
"I know what'ssss going on. You're going all sentimental because you will hit the 50-mark soon. When I turned 50, I was as miserable as you are now."
"You've been there, huh?"
"I'm telling you, it's hell. That'sss what it is."
"What did you do?"
"It's a time you have to go through. You do nothing, you just let it passss. And of course, make out with lotssss of girlsssss and..."
"Uhm. How old are you now?"
"Right. Sooo we're really talking about puberty here."
"Yes, of course. Watch those hormones, you little rassscal. Hey I've got to run. Ranger is getting cocky with that rail gun. Can't do the bridge-to-rail jump, but acts like The Carmack himself. Uriel needsss to teach him a lesson. See you! Wish me luck and a good spawn!"
"Wait a minute, please"
Uriel froze and looked at Sarge with an uneasy gaze.
"Uriel, do you remember when we met?"
"Hm, Uriel's memory isss not very good."
"Rubbish. You just told me what happened almost 100 years ago!"
"Yes, but I remember only vaguely what happened 100 years ago."
"You said something to me in '99, do you remember at all?"
"I think I said 'Hi, Champ''?"
"You said, that there was something in my eyes, that you called 'Ghalash' or something like that. I remember it very vividly, because you looked terrified that moment. Since then I have often asked myself what it was about me that made you so nervous?"
Uriel looked away.
"What is 'Ghalash', Uriel?"
Uriel took off the hood, sat down next to Sarge, and said:
"When The Carmack created the Quake universe, so the legend goes, he gave ssssome creatures a certain extra power which is referred to as 'Ghalash' in my mother tongue."
"And what it is? In my mother tongue preferably."
"It is hard to explain. Have you ever had the sensation that something wasn't right?"
"Yes, often. I usually drink a beer or two and it's gone."
"No, duriing a match. A feeling so fundamental, that you had the sensation that time stopped or 'lagged' for a second?"
"Hmmm, now that you mention it. Yes! What is it?"
"We don't know. I cannot feel it, none of your friends can. It is the sensation that is said to be linked to 'Ghalash'. And it is told, that the person who has it, will be the most powerful in the history of the Quake universe."
"Are we talking about wallhacking or aimbots?"
"No. Those are clever little gadgets, Anarki would use and has used, I know for a fact, but 'Ghalash' is much more powerful than that. Imagine you had the power to control time."
"Control time...."
"I gotssss to run, friend. Take care."
"T-t-take care. Happy fragging."
Sarge stared at the croissant. Then he devoured it and thought:
"I must find out more about 'lagging'."


"Well, it looks like we're in a rut."
"Yeah, well, I can see that. But what are we going to do about it?"

The two elictricians sat hunch-backed over a squiare hole in the floor of "Vertical Vengeance". A few red LEDs were visible and some loose wire, spitting out sparks every now and then with loud crackling sounds.

"This voltage reading can't be right. It's much too high. Without the main power that we shut off, there is supposed to be only power from the maintenance batteries."
"Hey. What is that?"

A yellow substance emerged from the circuits and rose to floor level.

"What is that? Slime?"
"Don't touch that."

It was too late.
Edited by Darth_Vader at 08:25 CDT, 7 August 2008 - 8807 Hits
agardenchair's enigma adventure (109 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 11:06 CDT, 1 May 2008 - iMsg
This is not your ordinary riddle series, no no no, it is a journey into your mind! Let mystery commence. *opens the big old curtains*

Question No. 1: Who killed Sherlock Holmes (last name only)?

Question No. 2: If black : white = x : chaos, then x = ???

Question No. 3. You are in a pitch black room. Someone switches on a LED. What do you see?

Question 4: Let x be the smallest integer that cannot be described by less than sixteen words. x = ???

Question 5: You are at a road that splits into two roads. One road leads to hell, one to heaven. At each there is a person, one will always tell the truth, one will always lie when asked. They only answer with "Bling" and "Blang", one meaning "Yes", one meaning "No", but you don't know which means "Yes" and which means "No". You are allowed exactly one question to only one person to determine the destination of the two roads. What will it be?

---Questions have been answered up to here---

Question 6: A business woman will have five appointments. Although she sets her watch correctly that morning, synchronizing with the atomic clock in Boulder, Colorado, to her dismal, she finds she is late for every meeting. Her watch and those of her business partners work properly. What's going on?

Question 7: A random selection of 100 people stand in a 10x10 matrix. Who's taller, the shortest of the tallest people of each row, or the tallest of the shortest people of each column?

Question 8: A constant wind is blowing from point A to point B. A plane with constant power flies from A to B and back to A. Compared to the situation if no wind at all would be blowing, this trip takes

a) longer?
b) not as long?
c) the same time?

(Assume that the velocity of the plane without wind is greater than the velocity of the wind, so the plane reaches its destination travelling against the wind.)
Edited by agardenchair at 08:20 CDT, 10 May 2008 - 39618 Hits
Weird crashes (No comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 10:59 CDT, 17 April 2008 - iMsg
Last night my new low-end pc (Asrock mainboard, onboard graphics, 1gb ddr2 RAM, WInXP) locked up twice. The screen displayed random colorful patterns on white background, repeating themselves. No drugs involved on my side.

Then I ran antivir and the pc suddenly booted.

Everything's back to normal after I removed a IDE-Adapter-card, which could not be installed.

Can a unrecognized PCI card be the reason for those errors?
1335 Hits
Quake 3 is back? (21 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 08:11 CDT, 6 August 2006 - iMsg
=> agardenchair is back (no one cares, but still....)

That is cool (Quake 3 being back)!!!!!
6092 Hits
Petition against Doom 3 (13 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 10:06 CST, 10 December 2005 - iMsg
6587 Hits
Speaking of rushed things... (5 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 14:36 CST, 15 November 2005 - iMsg
...a rushed decision for the domain name?

P.S. Yes, I know, smart-ass.
Edited by agardenchair at 20:39 GMT, 15th Nov 2005 - 4282 Hits
Crouch-strafing - who will master it 1st (47 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 06:29 CDT, 24 October 2005 - iMsg
Anyone got this down yet? When you strafe-jump you can do crouch-jumps in between to gain speed. But it's hard because 4 key-actions are involved: Left / Right, crouch, jump, forward. Good timing is needed.
9430 Hits
Thanks, Raven (8 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 12:39 CDT, 19 October 2005 - iMsg
Edit: Small clip: Tourney6 by myself:

The biggest difference to Q3 I can speak of is the slight feeling, that you are running on a giant trampoline in a low-gravity-environment.

When strafe-jumping, speed is not gained as quickly as in Q3. At least when adapting your tried and tested strafe-jumping technique from Q3. It is at least as fast as Q3.

It feels a little less controllable (rocket jumps felt strange, etc...), but I think it's too early to judge on this. I think there is less air-control than in Q3V - I could not make it to the center jump pad on DM17.

Weapon feeling is excellent. It is even better than Q3 because you get the impression the player is actually holding something. I think this is because of a slight delay between mouse-action and weapon-reaction, suggesting that a mechanical device is handled, triggered by the mouse. Very neat. Well done.

Overall impression: Q4 Multiplayer OWNS!! It sports the same pedal-to-the-metal directness, that has made me a Q3 addict. It will probably appeal even to the most hardcore skill gamer and is bound to shake up the Quake community.

Excuse me, I need to figure out some nice rocket-through-tele shots.
Muhauhauha fear me!
Edited by agardenchair at 18:20 GMT, 19th Oct 2005 - 4044 Hits (5 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 18:38 CDT, 1 October 2005 - iMsg
Be sure to check back often as we have some exciting news coming very soon! Could it be Quake 4 news? Could it be DOOM movie news? Could it be both? Check back soon!

omg omg omg
3528 Hits
My Q4 journal with webcam (12 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 11:32 CDT, 14 August 2005 - iMsg
This is my Q4 journal.

More cool stuff on the way.

Q4 has the potential to be the next Q3.

My Q4 webcam is up and running:

From now on I will drop the "Edit" remark and just use a dot "." instead to indicate that this journal was updated.

Well, well, well, this certainly looks promising.
Awesome new Q4 videos from Quakecon on a map that looks like q3tourney6 :
Edited by agardenchair at 15:54 GMT, 31st Aug 2005 - 6597 Hits
Edited by agardenchair at 11:42 GMT, 3rd Aug 2005 - 4107 Hits
Travel plans for this summer (1 comment)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 13:21 CDT, 17 July 2005 - iMsg
After reading the Jetlag travel guide about it, I will most definitely visit Molvania this summer. looks very promising as well. Let's go Molvania!

Check out Molvania's contribution the the Eurovision 2005 contest: ""I AM THE ANTI-POPE""

P.S. German site is at
Edited by agardenchair at 18:28 GMT, 17th Jul 2005 - 1970 Hits
Why cooller played a better game (120 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 13:45 CDT, 10 July 2005 - iMsg
After a bit of pondering, I have come to the conclusion, that my system of on-numbers does not reflect the phenomenon commonly referred to as "ownage" well enough.

Frag ratio is not enough to decide what is "ownage". This was brought to my attention by the example of these two games:
somewhere in the comments. 50:10 is ownage, but 5:1 isn't, but both have the same frag ratio 5. Thank you.

My initial problem with frag-difference remains. I still think that
50:40 is pretty close and 10:0 is not that close (both games have the same frag-difference 10).

I believe it's common sense, that the higher the total frag count, the less the influence of frag-difference should be.

This could be expressed with a new formula for a new ranking number "RN":

RN = 1/(1 + FT) * FD,

where FT = number of total fragsin the game
and FD = frag-difference.

It's a rational number between 0 and 1. The closer it is to 1, the more "ownage".

A very straight-forward formula and closely related to
FD/FT obviously, but with the advantage that FT = 0 is not a problem anymore. But it's somewhat more abstract, since it's not a percentage of frag-counts per total frags for example.

A few number examples:

15:0 => RN = 0,94
30:0 => RN = 0,97
50:10 => RN = 0,66
5:1 => RN = 0,57
10:10 => RN = 0
11:10 => RN = 0,05
50:40 => RN = 0,11
10:0 => RN = 0,91

I think, this is a little better than my initial "on".

The advantages are:
* Number of frags are taken into account

* If both players are matched up for a long time and they make a lot of frags, the final frag difference is not weighed as much as this difference would be represented by an x:0 game,
e.g. a 30:25-game gets only a 0,09, but a 5:0-game gets a 0,83 - the winner likely was either able to defend an early lead, or he could clearly win a shorter nerve-batthe in the end of the game.

* The RN of games like x:0 increase with increasing x.

Original (old) article:
Need a handy way to determine how much somebody owned in a Q3-game? Seems easy.

Heuristic point: If we knew the number of frags of two 1on1- games beforehand, wouldn't it be reasonable to say, that the game where the winner got the bigger percentage of total frags had a higher "ownage-number"" (i.e. was a better victory)?

I think, that absolute frag difference doesn't mean anything. If the result is 100:90, it's obviously not as much pwnage as 11:1. But both games have the same frag difference 10, since 100 - 90 = 11 - 1 = 10.

We have to take into account how many frags have been made in total. Let's define the "ownage number" (on) for a given player as

on(player) = player-score / #(total frags in the game),

where # = "number of" and
suicides count as negative frags in the number of total frags in the game

Let's look at the ESWC finals and the on's (approximate values given):

hub: 41:22 for czm, on(czm) = 41 / 63 = 0,65
DM6: 16:12 for cooller, on(cooller) = 16 / 28 = 0,57
DM13: 13:3 for cooller, on(cooller) = 13 / 16 = 0,81

Conclusion: cooller owned czm harder on DM13 than czm owned cooller on hub, because his on is higher! Since he won the other game, cooller played better. QED

P.S. Side remarks: If at least one player has a non-negative number of frags, A) and B) are true:

A) If player1 and player2 are competing, it is clear that
on(player1) + on(player2) = 1

B) A game is won by "player" if and only if
on(player) > 0,5

C) Collect as many games as possible from two arbitrary players, calculate the on for each game and each player. And take the arithmetic mean to determine the ultimate ownage number "uon" to determine who is the best player.

D) Of course, an alternative version of on can be expressed via the ratio of the scores of the players. "Frag difference" should be replaced with "Frag ratio" or the on.

E) Let n be an integer. If x1 and x2 are two integers with x1 > n and x2 > n. the following is true:

x1 > x2
on for the x1:n-game > on for the x2:n-game
frag difference of x1:n-game > frag difference of x2:n-game

"E)" yields the following:
If comparing two games with the same frag count for the loser (or winner), it makes no difference if the games are compared by frag difference or on. But in general, the on-system results in a different ranking of games than the frag-difference-system.: 10:5 >> 8:4 by frag difference, but 10:5 ~ 8:4 by on,

where ">>" means "ranked higher" and "~" means "has equal ranking".
Edited by agardenchair at 21:35 GMT, 14th Jul 2005 - 43556 Hits
Strange roast portraits (No comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 14:07 CDT, 21 June 2005 - iMsg
OMG Michael Jackson verdict found on toast!

WOWOW What is that ... another one!?!?!?

Happy bidding :-)
1897 Hits
New pics with new film (2 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 12:35 CDT, 19 June 2005 - iMsg

I tried the Ilford Delta Professional 400 film and was taking pics in this new place, which had extremely difficult light conditions. The whole thing is under a glass dome. In it vicinity the lighting is good, but it's otherwise very dark place. So most of the pics totally came out crap. Now that I am reviewing them, I find the ultra bright areas in the pics kinda cool.

Edited by agardenchair at 17:36 GMT, 19th Jun 2005 - 1786 Hits
Flowerpots on slate (1 comment)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 11:26 CDT, 14 June 2005 - iMsg
Tried out a new film. I find the Fujicolor Superia 200 hard to handle in low light situations, but here I managed to get a nice contrast between the slate and the plants:
1545 Hits
My new camera (26 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 06:51 CDT, 8 June 2005 - iMsg
Well, sort of. Just got ahold of an ancient Olympus OM-1 (manufactured in the 1960s and discontinued now). When the film is finished I have to rewind it by hand.

I have always been a manual person, and I really like the handling of this camera and all the click-sounds it makes.

My first series of photos were on Fujicolor Superia 200 and Ilford HP5 films. They are in development right now.
Edited by agardenchair at 11:51 GMT, 8th Jun 2005 - 8700 Hits
Sausage carpet (7 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 10:05 CDT, 9 May 2005 - iMsg

I think I will go for the Mortadella or "Bierschinken" version.
4984 Hits
8045 Hits
Amazon reviews (4 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 12:08 CDT, 22 April 2005 - iMsg
What's with people rating your review as not helpful as soon as it contains criticism and has not 5 but 3-4 stars? Idiots.
Edited by agardenchair at 17:09 GMT, 22nd Apr 2005 - 2330 Hits
My guitar corner (27 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 17:23 CDT, 21 April 2005 - iMsg
I know there are some guitar players frequenting this site,so this is a question for them: What kind of guitars do you have and what style of music do you play?

As for me, I just got a new guitar, an Epiphone, and one of the main features of a hollow-body guitar is it's "hollow" sound as opposed to a biting tone of a Fender Strat or Tele for example. I play Jazz and Blues, and it is quite amazing how I almost instantaneously swith to a differne musician. I stop bending strings and play only from my repertoire of jazzy swing licks. This is also because it has a wound g-string, which can be bent a half step without problems, but will break if bent a whole note up.

P.S. My new guitar in action
Edited by agardenchair at 18:40 GMT, 25th Apr 2005 - 8476 Hits
Beware: Fresh textures (7 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 18:19 CST, 28 March 2005 - iMsg
3444 Hits
Wurstkoffer (7 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 16:36 CST, 24 March 2005 - iMsg
3078 Hits
Good-bye tea and coffee (33 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 15:07 CST, 2 March 2005 - iMsg
I'm on a diet, eating lots of dried fruits, drinking lots of water and eating fruits and vegetables. I can't eat fish, white bread, sweet things or hard cheeses either.

65% of all germans have a mild acidosis without severe symptoms. I'll list some of the symptoms. Of course gamers are such health-food fanatics, none of you will have it :D

- headache
- lack of energy
- sleepiness
- allergies
- light sensitivity of the eyes
- burning eyes
- bone / muscle pains
- hair loss
- premature aging of the skin
- heart burn
- migraine
- cold feet and hands
- metallic taste in mouth
- "acetone" - smell in breath
- nausea
- dizziness
- congestion
- flatulence (hehehe)
Edited by agardenchair at 16:42 GMT, 13th Mar 2005 - 10875 Hits
Pieces of strange (17 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 11:59 CST, 24 February 2005 - iMsg

A quick weirdo-3D-puzzle. This was made from one piece of paper using only a few cuts with scissors. How?


3.) Not a puzzle, but strange anyway - Robert E. Neale's 2-way-tube:


I'll just keep adding stuff as I find it.
Edited by agardenchair at 23:53 GMT, 27th Feb 2005 - 10255 Hits
The books of my life (84 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 14:34 CST, 20 February 2005 - iMsg
According to my own theory that approx. 99% of everything is shit (books, movies, music albums, people, etc...), I have long ago given up the hope of buying books all of which I really enjoy. So the only remedy is to stop reading or read a lot.

Now, in the last ten years I have probably read more than 200. but probably less than 300 novels. Since 1% of 200 is 2 and 1% of 300 is 3, about 3 novels must stick out of the bunch as good or very good. Of course their singular existence tends me to believe they are spectacularly excellent. And it is true, I keep thinking about 3 books over and over again and compare other books to them.

What these books are - who wrote them and what's their titles² - is probably not important to anyone but myself. But it is depressing to know that I have to read 100 books in average to find a really good novel.

²) 1.) Philip Roth - Sabbath's Theater
2.) Thomas Bernhard - Verstörung
3.) Dostoevsky - Crime and punishment
Edited by agardenchair at 21:19 GMT, 20th Feb 2005 - 16270 Hits
What does (5*/102) behind a thread mean? (37 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 10:01 CST, 20 February 2005 - iMsg
What's the 5* stand for?
7003 Hits
12089 Hits
I just won a coffee machine (71 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 03:23 CST, 11 February 2005 - iMsg
That's right! On ebay. They give away one coffee machine per minute Feb 10th - 16th (offer only available in Germany)


(For anyone from Germany who wants to do it: They ask you questions about the categories in ebay. I copied the directory infos into a large text file and searched for the answer in that file and then copied the answer very quickly into the ebay window. Took me about 20 questions to win.)
Edited by agardenchair at 09:28 GMT, 11th Feb 2005 - 14371 Hits
Watching Leno... (20 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 01:42 CST, 11 February 2005 - iMsg
...and drawing a caricature:

Any pencil drawing seems to be enhanced greatly by the cross-hatching technique giving the illusion of texture and making it look grainier. Even the crappiest drawing looks somewheat "real" when this technique is employed. Surreal.
Edited by agardenchair at 17:00 GMT, 12th Feb 2005 - 4846 Hits
Tonight's dinner (7 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 10:38 CST, 5 February 2005 - iMsg
Cubed sheep cheese with herbs, calamata olives, accompanied by a glass of Nero D'Avola bottled for Distinto. In the fridge: Dough for 7 bagels to be boiled and baked tomorrow. Also in the making: Sourdough for a 5 grain bread.

I have to say, baking my own bread enriched my life. It's an intense and addictive hobby. Working with live yeast cultures, watching it change during the course of fermentation, the different stages of dough development is a nice thing. World-class bread at home, who would have thought it...
3400 Hits
Short clip of silly dork with gun (21 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 07:56 CST, 4 February 2005 - iMsg
6329 Hits
Remember "The egg"? (12 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 04:15 CST, 3 February 2005 - iMsg
I was browsing through some old files I had on my hdd and found this hilarious incident with an egg.

[01:01] <+Sprite> how do i do a boiled eye
[01:02] <+Sprite> egg even lol
[01:02] <+BugsyMalone> microwave its ass
[01:02] lol
[01:02] boiled eye
[01:02] * D2M gets water :/ :/ :/
[01:02] <+Sprite> give me instructions m8
[01:02] <+BugsyMalone> is easier
[01:02] <+Pi3> and stand on one leg and tell everyone your in the commonwealth diving team
[01:02] <@Ched> put it in boiling water...
[01:02] <+Sprite> im a spack cook
[01:02] <+Sprite> how long for ched ?
[01:02] <@Ched> don't do what my ex gf did though
[01:02] <@LoneGun> 3 minutes
[01:02] <+Sprite> so
[01:02] <@LoneGun> or put in microwave for 1 minute
[01:02] <+Sprite> boiled egg and bread
[01:02] <@Ched> forget she put it in, go to bog and come back to an exploded egg and melted pan
[01:02] <+Sprite> no butter on the bread ?
[01:02] <@Ched> in my f**king kitchen too
[01:02] boil kettle, put water in saucepan and boil on stove
[01:02] till the head pops out sprite
[01:02] -> Ops #digwar: dont tell sprite eggs explode in the microwave
[01:02] 3 minutes for runny yolk, 5 minutes for hard boiled
[01:02] -> Ops #digwar: will be class
[01:02] <+Pi3> hangover cure = more beer
[01:02] im the left eye, your the right, would it not be madness to fight
[01:02] <+Sprite> k
[01:02] <+BugsyMalone> no butter
[01:03] <+Sprite> kk
[01:03] <@Ched> sprite
[01:03] <@Ched> easy way to do it mate
[01:03] <@LoneGun> sprite just do in microwave for like 2 mins
[01:03] <+Sprite> right how ?
[01:03] wtf i got it all wrong, u drop in egg in a deep fat fryer
[01:03] <+BugsyMalone> aye
[01:03] <@Ched> what lg said
[01:03] <+Pi3> my god
[01:03] <@Ched> fully power
[01:03] <@Ched> erm
[01:03] <+BugsyMalone> put a drop of milk in it
[01:03] <+Sprite> on it's own lonegun ?
[01:03] <+Pi3> look at liv tyler
[01:03] <@Ched> full power
[01:03] <@LoneGun> aye sprite
[01:03] <+Pi3> damn i need a f**k
[01:03] <@Ched> 2 mins
[01:03] <@Ched> for 650 watt microwave
[01:03] <+Pi3> look at her
[01:03] <+Sprite> so a egg, in a bowl, on it's own for 2 mins in a microwave ?
[01:03] <+BugsyMalone> Pi3,i'm right here
[01:03] cook it in beer
[01:03] anyone tried that? might be funny to see what happens deep fat fryin an egg
[01:03] f**k water
[01:03] <@Ched> yes sprite
[01:03] <+Sprite> I got a 850watt microwave
[01:03] <@LoneGun> yeah
[01:03] <@Ched> ok
[01:03] <@Ched> 1 1/2minutes then
[01:03] <+Sprite> ok guys
[01:03] <+Sprite> n1 im off to cook
[01:03] -> Ops #digwar: will be funny as f**k when he comes back with exploded egg :E
[01:04] <+BugsyMalone> a drop of milk mind
[01:04] <+Sprite> fingers crossed that my kitchen doesn't burst into flames
[01:04] -Ched:@#Digwar- nah he's not that stupid
[01:04] -TuNa`indie{t}:@#Digwar- lol ched
[01:04] -Ched:@#Digwar- then again... it is sprite
[01:04] -> Ops #digwar: well he is off to do it ched, so seems that he is
[01:04] <@LoneGun> cya in a couple of minutes sprite
[01:04] <+Pi3> lol
[01:04] <@Ched> sprite, it's a f**king microwave, and a f**king egg, it's hardly gonna burst into flames. I think even you could manage to cook an egg in a microwave
[01:05] <@TuNa`indie{t}> hey ched
[01:07] <+Sprite> k guys
[01:07] <+Sprite> u guys are cocks
[01:07] <+BugsyMalone> lol
[01:07] <@TuNa`indie{t}> rofl
[01:07] <+Sprite> the egg just blow up
[01:07] <@Ched> ROFL
[01:07] <+Pi3> lmao
[01:07] <+Pi3> ha ha ah ha
[01:07] <+BugsyMalone> egg,ur not meant to put it on for 5 hours
[01:07] <+Sprite> f**k it scared the hell out of me
[01:07] <+Sprite> don't take advantage of me :(
[01:07] <+Pi3> ha ha ha
[01:07] <+BugsyMalone> did u crack it?
[01:07] <+Sprite> it was in there for 30 seconds
[01:07] <+Sprite> and it went "BOOOM"
[01:07] <+Steff> rofl
[01:07] <+BugsyMalone> did u crack it?
[01:07] <+Sprite> no
[01:07] ROFL
[01:07] <+Pi3> lmao
[01:07] <+BugsyMalone> LOL
[01:07] <+BugsyMalone> ur f**king kidding
[01:07] ROFL @ THE EGG
[01:07] <+Sprite> no lol
[01:07] <+Pi3> i'm pissin meself
[01:08] <@Ched> can someone please put a log of this on the forum?
[01:08] <+BugsyMalone> JESUS FUYCK
[01:08] <+Pi3> sprite
[01:08] <+Sprite> omg
[01:08] *** SaTaN|away is now known as SaTaN{t}|CS
[01:08] <+Pi3> you f**kin rule
[01:08] * D2M has wet self brb
[01:08] <@Ched> omfg that's made my day
[01:08] <+Sprite> i gotta clean this shit up now
[01:08] <+BugsyMalone> crack the egg,get everything out,put a little milk in,and put it in for 2 mins
[01:08] lol
[01:08] <+BugsyMalone> LOL
[01:08] <+Sprite> bugsy
[01:08] <@LoneGun> lil
[01:08] <@LoneGun> lol
[01:08] <+Sprite> poke all the way through ?
[01:08] lmao Sprite
[01:08] -Ched:@#Digwar- omfg LOL!
[01:08] <+BugsyMalone> poke what?
[01:08] <+BugsyMalone> ma maw?
[01:08] -> Ops #digwar: how thick
[01:08] <+Sprite> do i just break the shell
[01:08] *** Geo]aweh[ has quit IRC (A bas l'amour ! A bas le sexe ! Vive les jeux-vidéos !)
[01:09] <+Sprite> bugsy
[01:09] <+Pi3> my god
[01:09] <+Sprite> this better now explod again :(
[01:09] <+BugsyMalone> crack the shell,so everything falls out
[01:09] <+Pi3> these people will be running the country in 10 years
[01:09] <+BugsyMalone> put shell in bin
[01:09] -Ched:@#Digwar- should have told him to made sure it was a metal dish :E
[01:09] <+Sprite> not
[01:09] <+Pi3> and hes blowing eggs u in a microwave
[01:09] -> Ops #digwar: lol
[01:09] <+BugsyMalone> lol
[01:09] <+Pi3> im glad ill be dead soon
[01:09] <+Sprite> f**king hel
[01:09] <+Sprite> egg
[01:09] <+Sprite> stinks
[01:09] <+Sprite> gtg
[01:09] <@Ched> ROFL
[01:09] <+Pi3> ha ha ha ha
[01:09] <+Sprite> bugsy this better work u c*nt
[01:09] <@LoneGun> lol
[01:09] <@Ched> OMFG
[01:09] <+BugsyMalone> it will
[01:09] <@Ched> HAHAHAHAHHA
[01:09] <+BugsyMalone> i do it all the time
[01:09] <+Pi3> good night tonight
[01:09] <@LoneGun> owned by l337 egg cooking :E
[01:09] <+BugsyMalone> alittle milk
[01:09] <+Sprite> kk
[01:09] <+BugsyMalone> a spoon full
[01:09] lol
[01:10] <+Pi3> wrap it in silver foil sprite
[01:10] <+Pi3> he he
[01:10] <+BugsyMalone> lol
[01:10] <@Ched> sprite = ainsley
[01:10] Egg 1 - Spriteh 0
[01:10] <+BugsyMalone> that'll make a nice wee mess pi3
[01:10] <+Pi3> yeah
[01:10] <+Pi3> you should put loads of tin foil in the microwave with it
[01:10] <+BugsyMalone> rap ur cat in silver foil mate
[01:10] lol
[01:10] <@Ched> lol
[01:10] <@Ched> nah
[01:10] <+BugsyMalone> come out nice and crisp
[01:10] <@Ched> just make sure egg is in a metal dish
[01:10] <+Pi3> yeah
[01:10] <+Pi3> a baking tray
[01:10] lol
[01:10] <@Ched> hhehehe
[01:10] ROFL
[01:10] <+BugsyMalone> i cant believe he never cracked the egg,ffs
[01:10] <@Ched> that's made my f**king night rofl
[01:10] <+Pi3> innit
[01:11] <+BugsyMalone> superb
[01:11] <@LoneGun> i can't believe he actually believed me and ched
[01:11] lol
[01:11] <+Pi3> he he he
[01:11] u think he's crying now?
[01:11] <+BugsyMalone> ji can just imagine him putting a full egg in a bowland pouring some milk in...BANG !
[01:11] <+BugsyMalone> LMAZ
[01:11] <+BugsyMalone> i'm f**king dieing here
[01:11] lol
[01:11] last time i heard this i was 10 years ago and i was pilled up :)
[01:12] surely he won't do that
[01:12] <@Ched> rofl
[01:12] <@Ched> lg
[01:12] <+BugsyMalone> he did d2m
[01:12] <@Ched> we are evil c*nts :E
[01:12] lol
[01:12] <+BugsyMalone> Ched,how do u think the cat feels?
[01:12] <+Steff> ROFL
[01:12] <+Steff> omg
[01:12] <@Ched> i can't believe not one person didn't tell him that it was a stupid idea
[01:12] <+Steff> i cant belive he did it
[01:12] dead?
[01:12] <+Steff> rorlf
[01:12] <+Steff> roff
[01:12] <@LoneGun> ched that was funny as f**k though
[01:12] <@Ched> hahah
Edited by agardenchair at 10:16 GMT, 3rd Feb 2005 - 3994 Hits
The pope and a dove (6 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 06:14 CST, 31 January 2005 - iMsg
Edited by agardenchair at 12:15 GMT, 31st Jan 2005 - 2412 Hits
My aphorisms (2 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 02:25 CST, 29 January 2005 - iMsg
Sometimes it's fun to make these up.

1. Is dogma interdiction a dogma?
2. Some people wear a left shoe on the right foot.
3. Even a beautiful person wants to be loved.
4. The louder the demand for punishment, the more questionable the guiltiness
5. My word means nothing in this world, but the same world brought about this mouth and this brain and the will to speak
6. Love may be describable in a functional and darwinistic manner, but can the same theory explain what love feels like?

Aphorism, n., 1. A tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion; an adage. 2. A brief statement of a principle. cf.
Edited by agardenchair at 08:25 GMT, 29th Jan 2005 - 1832 Hits
Doom 3 gone gold (27 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 00:53 CST, 26 January 2005 - iMsg
I just spilled apple juice over my Doom 3 CDs. Gee, have to stop logging onto my computer when still asleep.
6004 Hits
5:14 a.m. (2 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 22:07 CST, 19 January 2005 - iMsg
Nuff said.
2235 Hits
James Ellroy (10 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 08:14 CDT, 19 April 2004 - iMsg
Am I the only one reading this guy's books? I just started reading "The Cold Six Thousand". Quite a hefty paper cube. As always he interweaves real people of modern american history with fiction. J.E. Hoover doing this, J.F. Kennedy doing that ...
5091 Hits
Best veggie burger recipe (34 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 02:37 CST, 14 March 2004 - iMsg
I created the best veggie burger there is, and since you're such a swell audience, and I'm such a sweet-heart, I am going to share it with you:

Input data:
-Burger rolls
-Slices or chips of one ripe avocado
-Sliced tomato
-Sliced pineapple
-Sliced cheese (e.g. Gouda)
-Curry poweder

Alternatively/Additionally: Onions, salad

Cut rolls in half, put under grill to brown inner sides. Blend 4 heaping tsp of mayo and add 1 tbsp of mustard and a bit of curry powder. Put this mixture on the lower burger roll half. Put a slice of pineapple on the lower side too and on that a slice of cheese. Put under grill to melt cheese. Put tomato and
add avocado. Finish with putting the top half on the burger and heat the whole thing under grill for a moment.

Result: Best veggie burger

Edited by agardenchair at 15:51 GMT, 15th Mar 2004 - 7628 Hits
I got too fat. (32 comments)
Posted by TAFKAagardenchair @ 19:26 CDT, 8 April 2003 - iMsg
Height: 1,87 m
Weight: 100 kg


Height: 6' 2
Weight: 220 lb

Target weight:
80 kg = 176 lb

Anyone know how quickly (and healthy) this can be done ?
10138 Hits
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