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ESWC NL E-drama (19 comments)
Posted by if-22 @ 05:58 CDT, 13 June 2008 - iMsg
It's hard to say something about this withouth knocking a few teeth out from someone, but I will try anyway.
Right after the final vs Sander (Vo0) I opped the idea to the ESWC Holland tournament admin that a second Dutch player COULD be allowed to go if he paid for his own travel+accomodation.
As an example I told him that they did it like that in Poland.
Right then and there he told me he would look into it and apparantly I was right and so they gave Vo0 the opportunity to pay for his own expenses.

You could call it lame, since beforehand it was announced that only 1 spot was available for Quake3. But I don't think lame is the right word. The guys who run ESWC Holland just didn't know about this possibility and if they would have, I'm sure they had set 2 spots for Quake3 with only the first place expenses paid.

Anyway, I personally think they made the right descision but on the other hand I feel sorry for forever.
I also read a comment from Menendez about him showing up if there was a second spot. But as far as I know he didn't only not show up but let's not forget he didn't even let ESWC know he wasn't coming, so we were all waiting for him to show up.
Forever on the other hand, did. He also was friendly enough to wish me luck trough someone else's mobile phone (GEO's) and afterwards he congratulated me with that same mobile with my victory.
Seeing I hadn't talked with him for quite a long time I found that worthy of some respect. Plus it showed sportmanship, even though he didn't attend himself. The fact that he didn't attend himself might have been a self-confidence issue. I know the feeling; if you feel you are not strong enough to win the qualifier it's very tempting not to show up to avoid losing some respect (you can argue about that, since by not showing up you lose respect from some as well).

Anyway, it's happened. The spots have been given and no matter how much you whine about it, this can't be changed! Now let's hope Vo0 will have enough money to pay for his own trip *wink*.

Oh, and let me take this opportunity to enlighten you about my Masters absence:

I tried to get the days off from work, but my company's administration denied the request. They say they already gave out all the available days in July.
It's not worth to quit the job over this, so I just have to accept the fact that I can't go.
To be honest, I was really looking forward to the ESWC Masters.
Even though I for sure wouldn't have won it, I would still have enjoyed the fact that I was part of such a great tournament.

Besides, the sole reason I came back to Quake3 was to win the ESWC Dutch qualifier for the trip to the USA. I have never been there before and I am really looking forward to it.

To all the guys who say I don't stand a chance there, I say: I don't care! It's been nearly four years since I quit and I've taken a very different perspective on life itself I guess in that time. I am gonna enjoy myself there and wether I lose all my games or not, it really won't matter a dime to me .. atleast I can say I've been there. :)
7014 Hits
My ESWC Masters participation (94 comments)
Posted by if-22 @ 08:17 CDT, 29 May 2008 - iMsg
I just want everyone to know: if I don't win the Dutch ESWC qualifier, I will resign from the ESWC Masters and so consequently give up my spot.
This just seems the right (and most fair) thing to do.

16317 Hits
ESO 2 WC3 1v1 -vs- More-groupstage (1 comment)
Posted by if-22 @ 16:28 CDT, 5 October 2003 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: All
Version info: 1.12 tft
How to play back WC3 demos

ESReality WC3 1v1 invite tournament. I managed to get my hands on some more replays from the groupstage. The zip file contains 13 games.

Update: Unfortunately this file is no longer available on ESR.
2619 Hits
ESO 2 Warcraft III 1v1 -vs- Playoffs (No comments)
Posted by if-22 @ 16:19 CDT, 5 October 2003 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: N/A
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: All
Version info: 1.12 TFT
How to play back WC3 demos

This zip file contains all games played in the playoffs from the ESReality Warcraft III invite tour. Two games are missing; both nitemare vs hasuobs games are MIA.
The numbers of games in this zip is 29.

Update: Unfortunately this file is no longer available on ESR.
2851 Hits
ESO 2 WC3 1v1 -vs- Groupstage (No comments)
Posted by if-22 @ 20:13 CDT, 4 October 2003 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: All
Version info: 1.12 TFT
How to play back WC3 demos

This package contains a lot of group games from the ESReality Warcraft III invite tournament. Unfortunenately, not all players submitted their replays as they should.. so the zip files is not really complete. This zip contains 67 games.
Once I got more, I will upload them in a second zip file.

Update: Unfortunately this file is no longer available on ESR.
Edited by if-22 at 01:39 GMT, 5th Oct 2003 - 3738 Hits
4K.Grubby -vs- mTw-Ghostridah- (1 comment)
Posted by if-22 @ 19:18 CDT, 4 October 2003 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Gametype: N/A
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Both
Version info: 1.12 TFT
How to play back WC3 demos

This package contains all 3 final games from the ESReality Warcraft III invite tournament.

Update: Unfortunately this file is no longer available on ESR.
5375 Hits
WCG 2002 pictures (4 comments)
Posted by if-22 @ 17:43 CDT, 16 June 2003 - iMsg
I came across this 10 mb zip file, which contains some (88) pictures that I made during the WCG finals in Korea last year. I don't know if anyone is interested in seeing them, but if you are you can download them.. expect some pics of the Americans, Russians and some others AND some landscape pics :)..
Edited by if-22 at 22:51 GMT, 16th Jun 2003 - 17930 Hits
Play More Promode (59 comments)
Posted by if-22 @ 11:14 CDT, 11 June 2003 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.8 (31 votes)
This is a movie made by Mess. Mess is one of Europe's best promode 1on1 players in CPMA (a very popular mod for Quake3, available at

This is what Mess has to say about it:
'I made it, because I did not want to shock anyone or something, but I wanted to make people to play more promode. I want to show what promode is all about :).'

So far there is only one mirror and it is being uploaded to right now. This post will be updated when it is on

The current mirror is from a Polish site, but just right click on "Pobierz plik" and select "Save Target As" to where you would like to save.

And remember... Play More Promode! :)
Thanks to Lsv for bringing this out.
Edited by if-22 at 16:30 GMT, 11th Jun 2003 - 52860 Hits
WCG BeNeLux qualifier (13 comments)
Posted by if-22 @ 11:45 CDT, 22 October 2002 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6.9 (8 votes)
This is the official WCG BeNeLux movie, made by OdB productions. They are famous for their EuroCup movies in the past. They spent the whole weekend at Veldhoven (the place where the event was held) and made another enjoyable movie. It doesn't shows any exciting in-game moments, but it gives you a good impression about what the WCG BeNeLux event was all about.

OdB productions will also go to Korea to make a movie about the WCG finals! More mirrors will be added soon, no doubt.
Edited by Sujoy at 19:57, 22nd Oct 2002 - 36657 Hits
WCG USA 2002 (q3) (82 comments)
Posted by if-22 @ 15:59 CDT, 6 October 2002 - iMsg
The WCG USA qualifier has just come to an end!

After all the commotion and waiting time, WCG USA finally can present us the final rankings! This years winner is Socrates, followed by Daler who finished second. After a exciting match, fatal1ty didn't made it to the WCG finals in Korea because he lost versus cha0ticz. I guess he can blame it on the 1 map pro round system. Anyhows, good luck to the 3 winners! You can check all scores and rankings below. Socrates will now face ZeRo4 in an exhibition match! I was just told that this match is being played after the counter-strike finals, but it is also possible that WCG USA has decided not to play it.

Big thanks to , and for offering us good quality GTV.
And ofcourse we shouldn't forget TsN (DJWheat and others) who covered the event with their excellent shoutcast.
They are still on air, so I suggest you tune in while you still can.
By the way, I found some pictures!

*The following happened before the final games.*
First are the results from the group stage. Some interesting scores, to say the least.

It seemed clear, the first 2 from each group would go to the final 4 stage. But then the following happened: ZeRo4 decided to step out of the tournament because he just found out his trip IS being payed by WCG Korea. So now things are a bit messed up.
However, WCG USA decided to let Makaveli and fatal1ty (both finished third in their group) play a best of three deciders match to decide who will get the last spot into the final 4 stage. And last but not least, the WCG USA winner will play ZeRo4 in an exhibition match!! Exciting and interesting stuff going on there.
Edited by if22 at 22:46, 6th Oct 2002 - 41068 Hits
Frags Done Extreme 3 trailer (30 comments)
Posted by if-22 @ 07:40 CDT, 26 August 2002 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9 (19 votes)
I just found out that the Frags Done Extreme 3 (FDE3) trailer is done and available to public.
If you have seen the first 2 parts you should know it's a (kickass) QuakeWorld movie. The first part has been downloaded over 20.000 times and they expect the third part to reach even higher numbers. Although this is only a trailer it shows some nice moments from Paradoks, Dag, Harlsom and Pietro.
I think we may look forward to the final version.

If you want to checkout the previous FDE movies I suggest you pay a visit to the official FDE site.

You can grab the trailer from the following mirrors:
Edited by netrex at 02:09, 27th Aug 2002 - 40022 Hits
M19*LeXeR (non-GTV) -vs- cha0ticz (18 comments)
Posted by if-22 @ 18:06 CDT, 16 August 2002 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9.5 (10 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: pro-q3dm6 - Campgrounds
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: M19*LeXeR
Version info: 1.31
How to play back Q3 demos

Second round from the winners bracket at QuakeCON2k2.
This is the real LeXeR POV demo. Exciting!

Update: Unfortunately this file is no longer available on ESR.
Edited by james/chilled at 03:53, 17th Aug 2002 - 12214 Hits
Interview: Johnathan 'fatal1ty' Wendel (154 comments)
Posted by if-22 @ 23:13 CDT, 13 August 2002 - iMsg
Today I had a little talk with Johnathan 'fatal1ty' Wendel. One of the most famous QuakeIII:Arena players. He is considered by many as the best QuakeIII player in the world. And he is going to proof once again at the upcoming QuakeCON2k2 event that he IS the real number #1 in the world. I talk with him about QuakeCON2k2 and more.
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Edited by Dyna18 at 11:58, 14th Aug 2002 - 88379 Hits
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