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22nd Century Capitalism (10 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 08:01 CDT, 30 September 2009 - iMsg
Please replace the batteries in your Jonesy detector.
3569 Hits
album art (149 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 17:55 CDT, 28 June 2007 - iMsg
i don't buy music, one thing i miss though is the album art.

so why don't you share some of your favourites, i think this is mine:
49913 Hits
kicked & removed - CPMA DM6 MOVIE (154 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 08:39 CDT, 13 April 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.9 (126 votes)
From professional finnish movie director ahxnxa and trusty sidekick ovo comes "kicked & removed".

With comments ranging from "this is stupid..." to "best collection of dm6 frags in any mode i've ever seen" i'll let you be the judge of this deeply controversial and daring movie.
Edited by ESR|Nicky at 01:48 CDT, 14 April 2007 - 118115 Hits
i can't wait for gaming to go mainstream (208 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 08:06 CDT, 2 April 2007 - iMsg

Edited by 8bitlobster at 12:14 CST, 20 January 2009 - 57044 Hits
Claw & Order 2: Bad Juju (265 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 17:22 CST, 24 February 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9.1 (206 votes)
Being our resident crustacean, lob has decided to show us all that you don't need hands to be a wanker! He's gathered frags and demos in secret over the past few months. So here his new project is, with a thumpin' bumpin' hiphop funk soundtrack, editing and cutting like he had scissors for hands(claws actually), and a CLACKCLACKCLACKCLACK -

Here is Claw & Order 2: Bad Juju.

Writeup by voodoochopstiks - be sure to also check out the original Claw & Order in case you haven't already.
Edited by voodoochopstiks at 19:25 CST, 24 February 2007 - 162710 Hits
Hall of Fame: Hilarious (added to hof by tom)
i have discovered a new artform (37 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 08:54 CST, 7 December 2006 - iMsg
arranging edam cheese in a sandwich so that all of the bread is covered
10266 Hits
Error: post_heading too short (<1) () (8 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 18:17 CDT, 17 October 2006 - iMsg
nerved, spotted not alone at the copy bag's lip.
your "last great mime" eyes watching faces go bald
through a ply of mucus or living gauze.
the way a glass of still water brings out...
strings out an entire night's sleep.
the ringing in your ears after locking a series of door.
when you feel friendless and are.
this sends a thin kitchen noise very pregnant throughout the house.
letting the few squeaking floor boards know
that they cannot but sleep through you.
a dream scream zilch to the woke.
wanting power not unlike that of a thermostat,
instead your one warm dot of wheat buckling down
to the 10,000 sours of time line indulgence.
a silent undeniable page break.
sure you swear you single out a single grain of sea
and keep track all the way to the shore.
trousers rolled to the diminish of pants utility,
flashing calf meat at the big water mom.
avoiding the wake and thief's dignity that's losing count.
saying "great" or six pounds eleven ounces
awaiting happy to the ribs of books frayed...
all that respect for never seeing all your blood displayed
outside your body at once.
all that ignoring of the fewer's golden properties.
skipping on the curse of will you help with pregnant
meanwhile tumors twinkling, twining through your seaweed center.
such bit part power over earth and anti-gravity.
cold editing the place machine to bits because you're this...
mediafetusmindmomowingstraightman coughing bird badly
and creacking broken english like a rock.
the caveman absolute...more red pant faced than garden goaled.
you can taste the astronaut in those nails...
suck on the dirt in edison's teeth...
blindly ejaculate his thousand helper rally..
be reminded your worm blossomed body feeds a smile rich mud.
what they get an empty barrel filled with loosed puzzle pieces...
and a hollywood set fan...and blow them all over you.
i can't wait 'til i wake to the bit in this flick
where all crutches are kicked and my mother's forgived.
be it by therapist's sieve or one can crash to live.
i would rather not dive from a wire of bridge
if it's for me to heal by the 25th give
god forbid that this nose glass mustache to wig
is exposing a rib.
god forbid i'd live to see fifty
fat-fingered and fearless with something like kids.
trapping yourself in a solid fashion (negative)
before the sexual hinge.
your father honest and alimoniless in the thickest of glass blowing.
his squeezed teeth saying your mother's become disgusting.
she is...was secrets to the clubbed tongue of a jersey secretary...
oh you remember buried in the thin inner hand cells that refuse replacing,
'cause you won't bite into your warm arm
for fear of bursting the bulged obvious veins.
the same veins your heart seems so impatient with.
maybe your cuts so deep it makes a second mouth
more massive than your guilty average ten year old smart pumps glib...
maybe're a harpless fear extra in the dust gather massive...
a muscle bound fossil swapping specs of flesh
for a rock thin slow future of snapping off into salt...
there's no harm done in the fruition of minerals...
the second great planting sink of your adult teeth.
9676 Hits
dun geddit (32 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 06:22 CDT, 7 April 2006 - iMsg
chappelle: i'm black lol
crowd: lmao
15213 Hits
mmm (18 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 17:27 CST, 25 November 2005 - iMsg
anyone else think 'Bonjela' tastes kinda nice?
5947 Hits
i love you spawn (40 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 09:31 CDT, 26 October 2005 - iMsg
i was informed that i don't actually have to pay $200 a month to msg esports legends on sk so obviously i exploited it

atm spawn is the only one to reply but that's probably because i just called the others outright fat
17829 Hits
woop woop (13 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 19:58 CDT, 5 September 2005 - iMsg
hooray i finally completed my artistic masterpiece - the diamond journal

5579 Hits
cpt. ahab lives in my basement (3 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 21:29 CDT, 11 August 2005 - iMsg
anyone know if 'DMX' has found his dogs yet?
2180 Hits
noooo ibrahim (3 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 13:33 CDT, 8 August 2005 - iMsg
i haet you god
1947 Hits
you've won $10,000 click here to claim (4 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 20:46 CDT, 23 July 2005 - iMsg
when i carry my laundry i walk like a duck
2294 Hits
god is gay (22 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 12:02 CDT, 23 July 2005 - iMsg
in the future this is how it'll be
our lives will be ruled by technology
there is one thing that we still got
we got the right to say fuck you robot
5831 Hits
i hate you, tv (53 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 08:52 CDT, 2 July 2005 - iMsg
i have mariah carey preaching about poverty on one channel and fair trade protesters in nike tracksuits on the other

11353 Hits
robolobster (4 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 19:59 CDT, 27 June 2005 - iMsg
birthday's coming up, if anyone wants to reward my literary genius - this is the present to get me
2699 Hits
decapitate a whore (3 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 13:44 CDT, 27 June 2005 - iMsg
if i had to choose one single thing to do for the rest of eternity, i think this would be it

it's so damn buggy you can completely destroy her if played long enough
1901 Hits
oh delete, you're the best (1 comment)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 18:45 CDT, 26 June 2005 - iMsg
anyone actually see this ?
i need an Adolf to tell me what it all says

regardless, it's still pretty ace

qt vr ¦ photos

ps. i don't care if this is 'old' i just spotted it on wooster
1628 Hits
drawers (14 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 06:49 CDT, 12 June 2005 - iMsg
i've had this chest of drawers for about 18 months and i still keep forgetting where my pants are kept
3078 Hits
my little pony (24 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 13:35 CDT, 28 May 2005 - iMsg
my little pony i hold you responsible i lead a healthy lifestyle i eat five square meals a day you never locked us up in prison my little pony will always run free we aren't fucking nuclear but i'm no adam driving round in the metal box from shop to shop unless i'm going to rob them you and me we stand naked giggling it's nothing sexual you'll never be able to put enough clothes on us so don't even try we'll keep farting till we all die laughing we'll keep farting a long time because we just ate sauerkraut and beans and drank a quart of gin can't beat that smell not with de-o-do-rant i can smell the guilt in your eyes but if you wanna hold me responsible then i can take it like the woman i am i read a book and talked to ghosts they reminded me of our future we will burn this boring shithole down turn the earth and plant headplant gardens in the ruins one day we will all gather drunk in the kitchen a herd of my little ponies riding and good french fries frying we can all keep a secret rock on rebel warriors droopy butt begone
7682 Hits
=^_^= (4 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 20:10 CDT, 25 May 2005 - iMsg
we interrupt your scheduled viewing of today's steam updates to bring you shocking news that contrary to popular belief watching japanese cartoons does not make you japanese

in other news, 'neutral milk hotel - in the aeroplane over the sea' is the best album ever
2235 Hits
peperami, you liar (4 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 15:50 CDT, 23 May 2005 - iMsg
dear internet,

according to the ingredients on the back of the packet this product contains 108% pork, not to mention that it tastes like some japanese newspaper/weasel hybrid i cannot see how this is physically possible

yours sincerely
a lobster
2832 Hits
FKN SCOTCHEGG (84 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 19:00 CST, 15 March 2005 - iMsg



Edited by tom at 03:29 GMT, 27th Nov 2005 - 31091 Hits
generic meat (13 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 12:03 CST, 13 March 2005 - iMsg
last night i ate "chips and meat" it tasted like homeless people's shoes
5916 Hits
b& (27 comments)
Posted by 8bitlobster @ 12:40 CST, 9 February 2005 - iMsg
today i got banned from all promode related channels on quakenet

although mildly raged, this is undoubtedly the best day of my life

11606 Hits
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