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Ancient stories on front page again (6 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 12:41 CDT, 26 June 2019 - iMsg
Quake Champions ranger trailer is the first story, from May 2017. A few stories below that is about Quakecon from August 2016.
7485 Hits
QL Match Making (213 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 06:34 CDT, 17 August 2014 - iMsg
I hear this a lot, but I'm curious as to how exactly this would manifest itself for the end user in Quake Live.

What would the ideal scenario look like?
25882 Hits
whaught (14 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 07:25 CST, 2 February 2014 - iMsg
4651 Hits
World Chess Championship 2013 (73 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 03:34 CST, 9 November 2013 - iMsg
16353 Hits
WTF my reply goes somewhere else.. (22 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 02:05 CDT, 19 October 2013 - iMsg
I cannot reply this thread

If I do it replies here:

Which is for some reason identical to this:

Which is a thread about Windows 8.1 despite the title.

I donno wtf.
6308 Hits
Quakecon 2013 Configs (79 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 04:20 CDT, 15 August 2013 - iMsg
Player Configs up!

Edited by Badb0y at 09:55 CDT, 15 August 2013 - 29225 Hits
800x600 Hud Nightmare (14 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 22:16 CDT, 7 April 2013 - iMsg
Background info:

At 800x600 the center consists of 4 pixels. If the topmost, leftmost corner pixel is at 0,0 (the way my paint program sees it), then these pixels are:

(399, 299) (400, 299)

(399, 300) (400,300)

Hud Challenge:

Make a 2 pixel thick centered line that spans the screen horizontally at 800x600 resolution. Both opaque and exactly the same color. Sounds simple enough right?

Using two lines with 1 pixel thickness, or one line 2 pixels thick in the hud code is fine (I've tried both).

The attached file is a tga of what the line should look like. It was made with a paint program since I've just about gone insane trying to make it with the hud code.
3993 Hits
5706 Hits
Lorfa's Cvar guide (174 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 21:36 CST, 18 January 2013 - iMsg
I decided to put together a guide of the knowledge I've gained over the years on the QL console cvars.

Now that I have hosting thanks to regurge I can update the file easily.

Thoughts/comments/suggestions welcome.
43909 Hits
Awards, from your mouse! (23 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 05:02 CDT, 19 May 2012 - iMsg

"The driver-based software compiles user data, provides a range of statistics for analysis, and hands out trophies when exceptional milestones have been reached. It’s an entertaining way for gamers to keep track of their mouse skills – and it even lets players share their accomplishments with others via social network sites, like Facebook."
5527 Hits
Does anti-aliasing work for you? (9 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 18:56 CDT, 16 May 2012 - iMsg
Anyone here have anti-alias work now? It mysteriously stopped working for me, I believe within the last couple updates.

I have the latest drivers.

If it's working for you, any ideas?

I do NOT use bloom.
Edited by Lorfa at 18:57 CDT, 16 May 2012 - 7589 Hits
Zhypernewbie Demo player broken (No comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 20:49 CDT, 15 May 2012 - iMsg
Anyone use this and have any idea how to fix it?

When I try to load the demo screen I get an error:

WARNING: couldn't load sound: sound/misc/kcaction.wav
WARNING: could not find sound/misc/kcaction.wav - using default

Could the sound error actually stop it from running? Any of you fancy pak editor folks think of a quick fix? Should I just use something different for demos?

You can get it here:
1680 Hits
Ridiculous robot movie (16 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 00:12 CDT, 28 March 2012 - iMsg
Just when I think I've seen it all:
3647 Hits
Source code for Moudrv? (2 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 06:21 CST, 10 February 2012 - iMsg
Was this ever posted anywhere?

Does anyone have contact information for the author?
2443 Hits
Vengeance M60 Laser Gaming Mouse (24 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 06:59 CDT, 17 September 2011 - iMsg

Have fun :-)

P.S. This paragraph was good for a laugh:

Enthusiast-grade 5700 DPI laser sensor

You get maximum precision and response from the Avago ADNS-9500 LaserStream™ Gaming Sensor, even on high resolution displays. Outpace and dominate opposing players with less accurate or slower gaming mice.

P.P.S. Aluminum might actually be a reasonable material for a mouse shell if it is light enough. Certainly it could help durability, looking at you abyssus!
5975 Hits
MS Basic Optical? What do you think? (26 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 20:45 CDT, 7 September 2011 - iMsg
Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse 2.0

"Tiz3r" on the QL forums mentioned he had this mouse and liked it. I had never heard of it before.

Basic Information:

800 cpi Optical

3000 fps (vs. 9000 on the wmo)

LOD comparable to the wmo

20 inches/sec malfunction speed (MS states the same for the wmo, hard to know how truthful it is).

92.8 grams with cord. To give you an idea MS lists the wmo as weighing 125 grams with cord, without cord it weights about 77 grams, a 48 gram cord. If this mouse has a 48g cord it would weigh 44.8 grams.

It appears to have a better scroll wheel than the wmo.

A spiral in paint here:

Photos of its innards here:

Sensor info:

Per the photos, it appears to be a PAW3502DLZ-M2 .

The closest data sheet on that I could find is here:

Which refers to a PAW3502DL 800 CPI. I couldn't find any reference to a DLZ-M2 anywhere.

MS data sheet here:

Photos and drawings by Tiz3r.
10763 Hits
Where to buy more WMOs? (18 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 20:45 CDT, 2 September 2011 - iMsg
Seemed to be out of stock everywhere. I found this one site:

Is this model number correct though?

Any ideas on a site to buy at?
5222 Hits
qcon 2011 community managers (27 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 21:16 CDT, 6 August 2011 - iMsg
6 August 2011: Community Managers: Un-moderated! with Abbie Heppe (Respawn), Adam Pyle (id Software), Matt Grandstaff (Bethesda Softworks), Nick Breckon (Bethesda Softworks), Ryan Schneider (Insomniac)

Any one have any information on how this went? Video? Audio? Transcripts? Text? Personal accounts?
6049 Hits
Is cl_packetdup effectual? (23 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 21:31 CDT, 9 July 2011 - iMsg
Is there any way to prove that cl_packetdup actually has an effect in QL?
19295 Hits
Custom crosshair 2 at 800x600? (13 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 07:34 CDT, 25 April 2011 - iMsg
I'm trying for cg_drawcrosshair 2 but with opacity. I'm sure this is without complications at 640x480 or 1024, but 800x600 is odd as you know. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I know that fractional position values can be entered, but can't seem to get it right. It seems like it doesn't draw a bottom or top pixel so it makes it look like it has wings. : - /

Trying for size 32, but if it can only be done at a similar size, I guess it would be better than having it misshapen.
Edited by Lorfa at 07:38 CDT, 25 April 2011 - 12623 Hits
Splash, I can hit you, you can hit me? (10 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 05:43 CST, 19 January 2011 - iMsg
Given that two players have all the splash damage weapons (hitscans are obvious), is it true that if player A can hit player B, that player B can always hit player A from the same position?
4333 Hits
What FPS game is popular nowadays? (47 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 18:16 CST, 26 December 2010 - iMsg
Quake Live appears to be declining more and more in activity.

I tried warsow but it is extremely dead. I have quake 4 now and it is also quite dead.

So I thought before I try some other game I'd ask :-)
Edited by Lorfa at 18:17 CST, 26 December 2010 - 14320 Hits
Steelseries Headphones? (28 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 02:11 CDT, 24 July 2010 - iMsg
Heeelllp. I am in desperate need of new headphones/headset.

Are the steelseries ones good? Like the 5hv2 vs. Siberia v2?

I kind of like the idea of having a mic but I am not sure if I would really use it.

Is there any kind of severe problem with these? $200 is by far my upper limit on what I can spend, and I am very much hoping to buy something that is comfortable and lasts.

I also like to listen to music, but I am not an audiophile. There's not going to be an amp or dedicated soundcard, none of that business.

I know there was a thread recently but it didn't seem terribly conclusive.
9815 Hits
Smooth FPS mystery, please solve (2 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 08:36 CDT, 25 June 2010 - iMsg
I was wondering if anyone could explain how this "super-smooth" gameplay is possible.

Exhibit A. is xbox 360 cod6 MW2. The framerate is locked at 60 fps, yet this is some of the smoothest gaming I have ever seen. I don't have anything on the computer that really compares to it. The closest I get is 154 hz at 154 fps in quakeworld.

Exhibit B. Is these streams here from the latest dreamhack ql tourney.

This most definitely appears smoother than 120 or 150 hz (I know maxfps is max'd at 125, but bare with me) in ql at of course a steady 125 fps. Keep in mind that I am looking at these vods on a crt (obviously) with my desktop set to 150 hz.

I cannot recreate this smoothness with any games that I have, regardless of hz rate, fps values, vsync, frame buffers, etc.

I thought it might be some kind of motion blur, but I have seen many 360 games with this smoothness and I have a hard time believing they all are using motion blur, but I could be wrong. Any ideas?
Edited by Lorfa at 08:37 CDT, 25 June 2010 - 2706 Hits
Mouse Accel Mystery (7 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 02:33 CDT, 16 March 2010 - iMsg
Why is it that:

sensitivity 4.454545
m_yaw 0.022
m_pitch 0.022
cl_mouseaccel 0.1

is much less sensitive (and/or accelerated) than:

sensitivity 1
m_yaw 0.098
m_pitch 0.098
cl_mouseaccel 0.1

Isn't yaw/pitch just multiplied by sens, then an acceleration curve applied to the result?
Edited by Lorfa at 05:48 CDT, 16 March 2010 - 3497 Hits
Yet another review on the xai (52 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 22:45 CST, 6 March 2010 - iMsg
I just wanted to share my experience with this mouse because there are relatively few reviews by who I consider to be actual gamers.

First Impressions

The first thing I noticed when I unboxed it was the odd texture on the shell that feels almost like rubber. This is really weird and I can't say that I care for it, but it's a minor issue.

So I plugged it in and ran the firmware update. I had heard that with many xais the firmware update produces an error and renders the mouse useless. I was ready to rma it for any reason just in case. Sure enough the update gave me an error and the mouse went dead. I feared the worst but when I restarted it suddenly started working again, and worked fine from then on.

During initial testing I found that my hands were hurting. I thought it was the shape and was ready to return it because it did not fit my hand, but upon closer examination it turned out not to be the shape at all, but the threshold. I turns out that my previous mouse, the mx518 would begin registering movement after a smaller distance had been made than with the xai. Although this distance is very small, like ~200 micrometers, it felt like twice as much as with the 518, so my fingers were putting in extra effort to get the movement started. I was actually wondering if anyone else had experienced something similar, and what mice on the market have the shortest threshold.

Once I got used to this I decided not to return it and use it as my main mouse.

Tracking speed

I have no issues with this at all, and I consider myself a low sensitivity player. It does not error at any speed I can produce with my hands.

ExactSense (cpi)

No problems with this either. 400 cpi tracks as well as 5001 cpi. I haven't had any problems with any other cpi values I tested.

ExactRate (hz rate/polling rate

Now here there are some small issues. First of all, it does what it claims, sets the polling rate to the value you desire. This rate is not consistent on any mouse I've ever used, and this one is no exception. It fluctuates between 495 and 503 hz when set to 500, but occasionally mouserate gets confused and reports something like 5600 hz (obviously not actually happening). I don't know what's going on there or if it's even important but I thought I'd mention it.

The next issue is more serious though, at values greater than 500 hz I have experienced occasional tracking issues. What happens is that the mouse will look straight up or straight down seemingly at random. Although infrequent, and not problematic, it is worrisome. I believe I tried 625 hz and did not get the issue, but somewhere in the 700+ range it started up again. I just decided to keep it at 500 hz after this and saw no reason to use any higher value.

ExactAim (jitter calculations)

This I just keep off and have no issue with. With it on I can feel some difference, but it is hard to describe. I read the explanation on the ss website but I would like to know more about what it is actually doing. Further experiments are required to determine what if any value adjusting this setting has. It could hold the key to preventing tracking errors at those higher hz rates, I do not know. I am using a qck+ which is supposedly not its ideal pad so perhaps I should investigate this setting.

Freemove (prediction, angle snapping, etc)

This works exactly as it should, and when I first changed from my 518 I turned this setting on full and it felt just like my old mouse. To be honest now that I have tested both fully on and fully off I think that mouse prediction is a minor issue. Yes, technically you lose precision when using it, but I don't think it's a large hindrance and may even help your aim in some cases. Having it off took some getting used to, but I keep it off now.


I have tried this a few times, but I find that the hardware acceleration just feels downright strange. I prefer to use the in-game acceleration (I play quake live) if I use accel at all. As far as I know this works as stated though.

LCD setup

I don't mess with this, but I thought I'd mention that the lcd screen is actually quite useful for testing different settings in-game and that the buttons to control the menus are intuitive.

Positive accel

I have not noticed any positive or negative acceleration with any of its settings (other than exactaccel ofc). I have ran many tests on this, and I simply cannot find it.

Braided cord

This was actually a big disappointment for me. I've never owned a mouse with a braided cord before, so I thought that maybe it was some kind of very loose cord that would make it much easier to stop the cord from influencing mouse movement. No, it's the exact same as any mouse cord and I see no advantage to it. It still has the issue of being 'pressed' into that zig zag pattern you get from the cord being in the package. Kind of a minor issue but w/e.

Fuzz problem

My qck+ sometimes has these very tiny 'fuzzes' on it, and a fuzz sometimes finds its way into the sensor. You know right away when this happens because the mouse becomes incredibly insensitive in a particular direction. You can usually just shake it and keep going, but I also keep an air can on my desk for this situation. The problem I believe is caused by the small size of the sensor aperture. On the 518 optical the aperture is very large, and this seems to be the case with optical mice, whereas laser mice use tinier ones. Example photos here:

In Conclusion

I like this mouse and I use it. It tracks beautifully and the feet are excellent. I like the feel of the shape and buttons. My main issue is with the weird threshold, which I would prefer to be lessened. Some minor tracking issues exist when set to a higher polling rate (>500 hz), but also when a hair or fuzz gets into the sensor aperture.

Note on problems

I believe what is happening with the xai and possibly with other mice that use its sensor is that there is a manufacturing issue under which many of the mice come out with problems or are defective. This would explain the wide range of problems that are reported. If you choose to purchase a xai, be ready to rma it just in case.
Edited by Lorfa at 03:50 CST, 7 March 2010 - 20974 Hits
Pro abandonment of MX518 (160 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 01:39 CST, 19 February 2010 - iMsg
I was just curious as to why the MX518 is so unpopular with the pro circuit. For example, this is a list of current quake live pros and their mice:

calipt - deathadder
spart1e - deathadder
garpy - deathadder
av3k - salmosa
chance - salmosa
cypher - abyssus
stermy - ms ie 3.0
DKT - ms ie 3.0
madix - ZOWiE Intellimouse 1.1
zsx - imo 1.1a
Cooller - wmo 1.1
jibo - wmo 1.1
rapha - wmo 1.1
ZeRo4 - wmo 1.1
linkje - kinzu
strenx - kinzu
noctis - frankenmouse
k1llsen - g9
z4muz - ?
fazz - ?
fox - wmo?

These are correct as far as I know but I'd be interested in hearing any corrections.

I've been using the mx518 for a while now and it's a great mouse, I really don't need to switch but I like to try different mice and I was curious why it has fallen out of favor. Is it because of the prediction? The salmosa also has prediction afaik.

If you were going to change mice from the 518, which would you change to?
58809 Hits
ZeRo4 -vs- Skalve (9 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 01:14 CST, 25 December 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: ZeRo4
Version info: 1.17
How to play back Q3 demos

DM-ZeRo4 vs. aT|Skalve on q3dm5. This is from the Red64 tournament as far as I know, which took place between December 1999 and February of 2000.
6319 Hits
Looking for two old files (9 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 04:01 CST, 20 December 2009 - iMsg
Does anyone have the following:

Thresh - makaveli q3 dreamcast video

ZeRo4 demo(s) on q3dm5

Cannot find them anywhere.
2458 Hits
Best Clan Arena player? (81 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 20:55 CST, 16 November 2009 - iMsg
I know it's really not possible to narrow down individual skill in a game like quake live clan arena, but obviously some are better than others.

So my question is, who is the best clan arena player in your opinion? Who is the best player that you have seen?

If so, where can I get some demos?
18983 Hits
Quake Event Coverage of players playing (1 comment)
Posted by Lorfa @ 22:40 CDT, 17 October 2009 - iMsg
I appreciate that ESL tv has given me the opportunity to see madix's nose piercing and all, but personally I'd rather see the player's actually playing.

I had the privilege of sitting behind many great players as they won major events and it can be very entertaining to watch them play. I can't be the only one, because the video on quakeunity with the most views is the one of 'fatal1ty playing quake4'.

I understand that game tournaments are usually dark, and that any kind of lights or flash photography should be strictly prohibited. At the same time though, can't they shift their focus towards these things and not the faces?

Personally if I was playing in an event I'd feel much more comfortable with someone filming me play from behind my chair than in front where every blemish I might have is going straight into the gaming noosphere.
Edited by Nicky at 01:16 CDT, 22 October 2009 - 1444 Hits
Lorfa QL Internals Challenge (8 comments)
Posted by Lorfa @ 21:00 CDT, 17 September 2009 - iMsg
I challenge thee with these questions three:

1. How does sv_skillrating relate to the tiers of the players on the server?

2. Where does the player's 4-sided view pyramid begin within the bounding box? X, Y, Z, in units?

3. What is the size of the player's view in units at a given fov and distance from the object? Size of the object would have to be known, and solving this would probably rely on having the answer to the previous question.
5984 Hits
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