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11:49 CDT - 933 users online
Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
EKSelenc Do you want Clan Arena in Quake Champions? No
EKSelenc Were the Quakecon tournaments and coverage a success? Yes
EKSelenc Quake Champions Beta Impressions Generally Favorable
EKSelenc Would you like to see an ESR user interview at id Software? No
EKSelenc Should ESReality admins censor posts by QC beta users? No
EKSelenc Which site will you be using? ESR
EKSelenc When were you introduced to quake? 1997-1999
EKSelenc Which Quake has your favourite movement Quake 3 CPM
EKSelenc Anyone care to see changes to Phrantic? Option C
EKSelenc Best 2011 movie? dorftrottel
EKSelenc What mouse do you use? Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0
EKSelenc Exceptional DH TDM Players toxjq
EKSelenc Quakelive subscription No I don't play it anymore
EKSelenc QuakeLive CTF 4v4 or 5v5 ? don't care
EKSelenc Would you pay a subscription for QL? No
EKSelenc 2nd player for CB CTF All-star game ? FIN_Zalabinsky
EKSelenc DevPick Servers: Apr. 16-18 *facepalm*
EKSelenc IEM4 World Finals winner? Cooller
EKSelenc Which would you Spectate? Team Deathmatch
Capture the Flag
EKSelenc Current Web Browser Opera
EKSelenc Spawns & Timelimit 15 minutes
Hoony Mode
EKSelenc Which comeback would you rather see? uNkind
EKSelenc Who will win in Dubai (poll)? mouz.Cooller
EKSelenc When did you start visiting ESReality? 2008
EKSelenc Who will win QuakeCon '09 CTF? EG
EKSelenc Who will win QuakeCon '09? LLL*fox
EKSelenc What r_picmip for ESL-TV stream? r_picmip 0 (Highest quality)
EKSelenc What cg_fov for ESL-TV stream? cg_fov 120
EKSelenc Which game mode do you play the most? Defrag/Trickjumping
EKSelenc Why noctis left EMS4? He's not Rick Astley
EKSelenc QL CTF Format 4v4
EKSelenc cg_fov in CPM >120
EKSelenc Which notable events do you remember? CPL Disbanding
EKSelenc Voice com for #cpmpickup games No, never.
EKSelenc Does kgb cheat? I can't decide! (don't care)
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